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TextRange_MoveEndpointByRange Function

Note  This function is deprecated. Client applications should use the Microsoft UI Automation COM interfaces instead.

Moves an endpoint of one range to the endpoint of another range.


HRESULT TextRange_MoveEndpointByRange(      
    TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
    HUIATEXTRANGE targetRange,
    TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint


  • hobj
    [in] The text range object whose endpoint is to move.
  • endpoint
    [in] The endpoint to move (either the start or the end).
  • targetRange
    [in] The text range that contains the target endpoint.
  • targetEndpoint
    [in] The target endpoint to move to (either the start or the end).

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful or an error value otherwise.

Function Information

Stock Implementation uiautomationcore.dll
Custom Implementation No
Header uiautomationcoreapi.h
Import library uiautomationcore.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows XP