Device Emulator
The Device Emulator emulates the behavior of a Windows CE- or Windows Mobile-based hardware platform.
About the Device Emulator
Describes the more important features of the Device Emulator.Device Emulator System Requirements
Lists requirements and recommendations for system memory, processor type, free disk space, and required version of ActiveSync.Device Emulator Manager
Summarizes the uses of this tool that provides the logical functionality of a physical cradle.Saved-State Files
Describes how to use this feature to save the complete state of an emulator image.Keyboards
Provides information about the relationship between physical keyboards and keypresses received by the emulator.Skins
Summarizes the notion of skins and how to customize them.Troubleshooting Connection Issues
Presents various connection scenarios and symptoms and the steps to correct them.Configuring and Using the Device Emulator
Presents a series of common emulator tasks, and the steps to implement them.Device Emulator Reference
Contains reference material for command-line launch, an XML schema for customizing skins, key combinations, and user interface components.