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Working with Internet Explorer 5

Working with Internet Explorer 5

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Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 and later enables you to fully use the XML and browser development tools in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. Internet Explorer 5 renders XML data and supports the behaviors and design time controls that are provided with Exchange Server 2003.

The Exchange store is an ideal repository for XML documents, XSL documents, and the HTML files that manipulate them. You can also use HTML documents that contain XML data islands. Your files and scripting can use the full capabilities of Internet Explorer 5, including XSL, Dynamic HTML (DHTML), and the XML Document Object Model (DOM).

You can use the XMLHTTPRequest object to access data in the Exchange store using the WebDAV protocol. This object enables you to natively create and parse the XML-formatted bodies necessary for WebDAV protocol requests and responses by using the XML DOMDocument object. XMLHTTPRequest is provided as part of the MSXML3 parser. You can read more about the XMLHTTPRequest object at the Microsoft XML page of the MSDN Online Developer Center Online link Web site.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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