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Strategic Architect Forum 2007 - Recorded Sessions

The past SAF conference was hosted at the MS Conference Center (Redmond, USA) over three days during November, 2007. All the keynotes and informational sessions are available below for download.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2 (cont.)

Windows Live Platform: Making Better End User Experiences

David Dumler (Microsoft)
Angus Logan (Microsoft)

[Video] . [Slides] . [Transcript]

Duet: An Enterprise S+S Offering From Microsoft And SAP

Chris Keyser (Microsoft)
Burra Gopal (Microsoft)
Adi Kavaler (SAP)

[Video] . [Slides] . [Transcript]

Dynamic IT

Neil Leslie (Microsoft)
Barry Briggs (Microsoft)

[Video] . [Slides] . [Transcript]

Day 3

Lessons Learned from the Web's Edge: MySpace

Aber Whitcomb (MySpace)
Jim Benedetto (MySpace)

[Video] . [Slides] . [Transcript]