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RemoteValue Class

Defines how RemoteResource data is parsed, mapped (bound) to view items, and typed.

Note   If a mapping is incorrect (for example, the resource does not exist), an error message is not displayed and the the value of the resource will simply appear empty.

  public abstract class RemoteValue : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.ModelItem

Protected Instance Constructor

Method Description
RemoteValue Initializes a new instance of the RemoteValue class.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Validate Validates the mapping.
ValidateSource Validates the source data.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Bool Indicates that the value is parsed as Boolean.
DateTime Indicates that the value is parsed as DateTime.
Double Indicates that the value is parsed as Double.
FullSource Gets the source of the remote value.
Int32 Indicates that the value is parsed as Int32.
Property If part of a remote value list, gets the repeating type of the parent list.
Source Gets the path to the remote value source as an XPath.
String Indicates that the value is parsed as a string.
TimeSpan Indicates that the value is parsed as TimeSpan.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.DataAccess

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also