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Historical Queries (Work Item Query Reference)

You can use an asof clause in a query to find those work items that satisfied the specified condition on a specific date at a specific time.

Historical Queries

For example, suppose a work item was classified under an iteration path of MyProject\ProjArea and assigned to 'Mark Hanson' on 3/17/06. However, the work item was recently assigned to 'Roger Harui' and moved to a new iteration path of Release. The following example query will return this work item because the query is based on the state of work items as of a past date and time.


If no time is specified, WIQL uses midnight. If no time zone is specified, WIQL uses the time zone of the local client computer.


SELECT [System.Title] FROM workitems WHERE ([System.IterationPath] = 'MyProject\ProjArea' and [System.AssignedTo] = 'Mark Hanson') asof '3/16/06 12:30'

See Also

Other Resources

Syntax for the Work Item Query Language