RichTextBox.SelectionColor 属性



 property System::Drawing::Color SelectionColor { System::Drawing::Color get(); void set(System::Drawing::Color value); };
public System.Drawing.Color SelectionColor { get; set; }
member this.SelectionColor : System.Drawing.Color with get, set
Public Property SelectionColor As Color


表示应用到当前选定文本或在插入点后输入的文本的颜色的 Color



下面的代码示例向用户显示 , ColorDialog 以指定当前文本选择或控件中 RichTextBox 当前插入点后输入的文本的颜色。 此示例要求将示例中定义的方法添加到 Form 包含 RichTextBox 名为 的 richTextBox1控件的类中。

   void ChangeMySelectionColor()
      ColorDialog^ colorDialog1 = gcnew ColorDialog;
      // Set the initial color of the dialog to the current text color.
      colorDialog1->Color = richTextBox1->SelectionColor;
      // Determine if the user clicked OK in the dialog and that the color has changed.
      if ( colorDialog1->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK &&
         colorDialog1->Color != richTextBox1->SelectionColor )
         // Change the selection color to the user specified color.
         richTextBox1->SelectionColor = colorDialog1->Color;
public void ChangeMySelectionColor()
   ColorDialog colorDialog1 = new ColorDialog();

   // Set the initial color of the dialog to the current text color.
   colorDialog1.Color = richTextBox1.SelectionColor;

   // Determine if the user clicked OK in the dialog and that the color has changed.
   if(colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK && 
      colorDialog1.Color != richTextBox1.SelectionColor)
      // Change the selection color to the user specified color.
      richTextBox1.SelectionColor = colorDialog1.Color;
Public Sub ChangeMySelectionColor()
    Dim colorDialog1 As New ColorDialog()
    ' Set the initial color of the dialog to the current text color.
    colorDialog1.Color = richTextBox1.SelectionColor
    ' Determine if the user clicked OK in the dialog and that the color has
    ' changed.
    If (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) _
        And Not(colorDialog1.Color.Equals(richTextBox1.SelectionColor)) Then
        ' Change the selection color to the user specified color.
        richTextBox1.SelectionColor = colorDialog1.Color
    End If
End Sub


如果当前文本选定内容指定了多个颜色,则此属性返回 Color.Empty。 如果当前未选择任何文本,则此属性中指定的文本颜色将应用于当前插入点以及插入点后在控件中键入的所有文本。 文本颜色设置一直适用,直到属性更改为其他颜色,或直到插入点移动到控件中的不同节。

如果在控件中选择了文本,则所选文本和在文本选择后输入的任何文本都将应用此属性的值。 可以使用此属性更改 中的 RichTextBox文本颜色。

若要使控件中的文本加粗,请使用 SelectionFont 属性分配指定了加粗字体样式的新字体。

