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Equals Method

Checks for equality of an object to the current object.

Cannot use methods in XAML.
retval = object.Equals(objectToCompare)




The object to compare to the calling object.

Return Value


true if the objects are the same object; otherwise, false.


Equality is determined by reference equality. This applies even if you compare two instances such as Point that each have identical string initialization for their internal values.

Some of the object types listed in Applies To are abstract types, therefore this method cannot be truly called on that type in JavaScript because there is no way to obtain instances of abstract types in JavaScript programming.

Applies To

Accessibility, ArcSegment, BeginStoryboard, BezierSegment, Boolean, Brush, Canvas, Color, ColorAnimation, ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames, ColorKeyFrame, ColorKeyFrameCollection, DependencyObject, DiscreteColorKeyFrame, DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame, DiscretePointKeyFrame, DoubleAnimation, DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames, DoubleKeyFrame, DoubleKeyFrameCollection, Downloader, DrawingAttributes, Duration, Ellipse, EllipseGeometry, EventTrigger, Geometry, GeometryCollection, GeometryGroup, Glyphs, GradientStop, GradientStopCollection, Image, ImageBrush, InkPresenter, Inlines, KeySpline, KeyTime, Line, LinearColorKeyFrame, LinearDoubleKeyFrame, LinearGradientBrush, LinearPointKeyFrame, LineBreak, LineGeometry, LineSegment, Matrix, MatrixTransform, MediaAttribute, MediaAttributeCollection, MediaElement, Path, PathFigure, PathFigureCollection, PathGeometry, PathSegment, PathSegmentCollection, Point, PointAnimation, PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames, PointKeyFrame, PointKeyFrameCollection, PolyBezierSegment, Polygon, Polyline, PolyLineSegment, PolyQuadraticBezierSegment, QuadraticBezierSegment, RadialGradientBrush, Rect, Rectangle, RectangleGeometry, RepeatBehavior, ResourceDictionary, RotateTransform, Run, RuntimeErrorEventArgs, ScaleTransform, SkewTransform, SolidColorBrush, SplineColorKeyFrame, SplineDoubleKeyFrame, SplinePointKeyFrame, Storyboard, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeCollection, StylusInfo, StylusPoint, StylusPointCollection, TextBlock, Timeline, TimelineCollection, TimelineMarker, TimelineMarkerCollection, TimelineMarkerEventArgs, TimeSpan, TransformCollection, TransformGroup, TranslateTransform, TriggerActionCollection, TriggerCollection, VisualCollection, VideoBrush

See Also

Silverlight Object Models and Scripting to the Silverlight Plug-in
