lambda 表达式

更新:2007 年 11 月

“lambda 表达式”是一种无名函数,用于计算并返回单个值。lambda 表达式可在委托类型有效的任何地方使用。


RemoveHandler 语句是一个例外。不能为 RemoveHandler 的委托参数传递 lambda 表达式。

下面的示例是一个 lambda 表达式,该表达式递增其参数并返回值。

Function (num As Integer) num + 1

由于 lambda 表达式仅仅是一个表达式,因此只能用作语句的一部分。


Dim add1 = Function(num As Integer) num + 1


' The following line prints 6.


Console.WriteLine((Function(num As Integer) num + 1)(5))

Lambda 表达式可以作为函数调用的值返回(如本主题后面“上下文”部分中的示例所示),或作为委托形参的实参进行传递。在下面的示例中,将布尔型 lambda 表达式作为方法 testResult 的参数进行传递。该方法向整数参数 value 应用布尔型测试,在将 lambda 表达式应用于 value 时,如果返回 True,则显示“Success”;如果返回 False,则显示“Failure”。

Module Module2

    Sub Main()
        ' The following line will print Success, because 4 is even.
        testResult(4, Function(num) num Mod 2 = 0)
        ' The following line will print Failure, because 5 is not > 10.
        testResult(5, Function(num) num > 10)
    End Sub

    ' Sub testResult takes two arguments, an integer value and a 
    ' Boolean function. 
    ' If the function returns True for the integer argument, Success
    ' is displayed.
    ' If the function returns False for the integer argument, Failure
    ' is displayed.
    Sub testResult(ByVal value As Integer, ByVal fun As Func(Of Integer, Boolean))
        If fun(value) Then
        End If
    End Sub

End Module

查询中的 Lambda 表达式

在语言集成查询 (LINQ) 中,lambda 表达式成为许多标准查询运算符的基础。编译器创建 lambda 表达式以捕获基础查询方法(例如 Where、Select、Order By、Take While 以及其他方法)中定义的计算。


Dim londonCusts = From cust In db.Customers 
                  Where cust.City = "London" 
                  Select cust


Dim londonCusts = db.Customers _
    .Where(Function(cust) cust.City = "London") _
    .Select(Function(cust) cust)

有关查询方法的更多信息,请参见查询 (Visual Basic)

Lambda 表达式语法

Lambda 表达式的语法类似于标准函数的语法。区别如下:

  • lambda 表达式没有名称。

  • Lambda 表达式不能有修饰符,例如 Overloads 或 Overrides。

  • Lambda 表达式不使用 As 子句来指定函数的返回类型。相反,类型是从 lambda 表达式主体计算得出的值推断而来的。例如,如果 lambda 表达式的主体为 Where cust.City = "London",则其返回类型为 Boolean。

  • 函数体必须是表达式,不能是语句。函数体可以包含对函数过程的调用,但不能包含对子过程的调用。

  • 不存在 Return 语句。函数返回的值是函数体中的表达式的值。

  • 不存在 End Function 语句。

  • 要么所有参数都必须具有指定的数据类型,要么必须推断所有类型。

  • 不允许使用 Optional 和 Paramarray 参数。

  • 不允许使用泛型参数。

由于存在上述限制,并且由于 lambda 表达式的使用方式,lambda 表达式通常简短而不复杂。


Lambda 表达式与在其中定义它的方法共享其上下文。它与在包含方法中编写的任何代码具有相同的访问权限。这包括访问包含方法中的成员变量、函数和子函数、Me 以及参数和局部变量的权限。

对包含方法中的局部变量和参数的访问可以超出该方法的生存期。只要引用 lambda 表达式的委托不能进行垃圾回收,就将保留对原始环境中的变量的访问。在下面的示例中,变量 target 对于 makeTheGame 方法(lambda 表达式 playTheGame 在该方法中定义)是局部变量。请注意,返回并分配给 Main 中 takeAGuess 的 lambda 表达式仍然具有访问局部变量 target 的权限。

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Variable takeAGuess is a Boolean function. It stores the target
        ' number that is set in makeTheGame.
        Dim takeAGuess As gameDelegate = makeTheGame()

        ' Set up the loop to play the game.
        Dim guess As Integer
        Dim gameOver = False
        While Not gameOver
            guess = CInt(InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and 10 (0 to quit)", "Guessing Game", "0"))
            ' A guess of 0 means you want to give up.
            If guess = 0 Then
                gameOver = True
                ' Tests your guess and announces whether you are correct. Method takeAGuess
                ' is called multiple times with different guesses. The target value is not 
                ' accessible from Main and is not passed in.
                gameOver = takeAGuess(guess)
                Console.WriteLine("Guess of " & guess & " is " & gameOver)
            End If
        End While

    End Sub

    Delegate Function gameDelegate(ByVal aGuess As Integer) As Boolean

    Public Function makeTheGame() As gameDelegate

        ' Generate the target number, between 1 and 10. Notice that 
        ' target is a local variable. After you return from makeTheGame,
        ' it is not directly accessible.
        Dim target As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd() + 1))

        ' Print the answer if you want to be sure the game is not cheating
        ' by changing the target at each guess.
        Console.WriteLine("(Peeking at the answer) The target is " & target)

        ' The game is returned as a lambda expression. The lambda expression
        ' carries with it the environment in which it was created. This 
        ' environment includes the target number. Note that only the current
        ' guess is a parameter to the returned lambda expression, not the target. 

        ' Does the guess equal the target?
        Dim playTheGame = Function(guess As Integer) guess = target

        Return playTheGame

    End Function

End Module

下面的示例演示嵌套 lambda 表达式所具有的宽广的访问权限范围。在 Main 中将返回的 lambda 表达式作为 aDel 执行时,该表达式能够访问下列元素:

  • 在其中定义该表达式的类的字段:aField

  • 在其中定义该表达式的类的属性:aProp

  • 在其中定义该表达式的方法 functionWithNestedLambda 的参数:level1

  • functionWithNestedLambda 的局部变量:localVar

  • 在其中嵌套该表达式的 lambda 表达式的参数:level2

Module Module3

    Sub Main()
        ' Create an instance of the class, with 1 as the value of 
        ' the property.
        Dim lambdaScopeDemoInstance = New LambdaScopeDemoClass _
            With {.Prop = 1}

        ' Variable aDel will be bound to the nested lambda expression  
        ' returned by the call to functionWithNestedLambda.
        ' The value 2 is sent in for parameter level1.
        Dim aDel As aDelegate = _

        ' Now the returned lambda expression is called, with 4 as the 
        ' value of parameter level3.
        Console.WriteLine("First value returned by aDel:   " & aDel(4))

        ' Change a few values to verify that the lambda expression has 
        ' access to the variables, not just their original values.
        lambdaScopeDemoInstance.aField = 20
        lambdaScopeDemoInstance.Prop = 30
        Console.WriteLine("Second value returned by aDel: " & aDel(40))
    End Sub

    Delegate Function aDelegate(ByVal delParameter As Integer) _
        As Integer

    Public Class LambdaScopeDemoClass
        Public aField As Integer = 6
        Dim aProp As Integer

        Property Prop() As Integer
                Return aProp
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                aProp = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Function functionWithNestedLambda _
           (ByVal level1 As Integer) As aDelegate
            Dim localVar As Integer = 5

            ' When the nested lambda expression is executed the first 
            ' time, as aDel from Main, the variables have these values:
            ' level1 = 2
            ' level2 = 3, after aLambda is called in the Return statement
            ' level3 = 4, after aDel is called in Main
            ' locarVar = 5
            ' aField = 6
            ' aProp = 1
            ' The second time it is executed, two values have changed:
            ' aField = 20
            ' aProp = 30
            ' level3 = 40
            Dim aLambda = Function(level2 As Integer) _
                              Function(level3 As Integer) _
                                  level1 + level2 + level3 + localVar _
                                  + aField + aProp

            ' The function returns the nested lambda, with 3 as the 
            ' value of parameter level2.
            Return aLambda(3)
        End Function

    End Class
End Module


可以将 lambda 表达式隐式转换为兼容的委托类型。有关兼容性的一般要求的更多信息,请参见宽松委托转换

此外,在将 lambda 表达式分配给委托时,可以指定参数名称,但请省略其数据类型,以便从委托中获取类型。在下面的示例中,将 lambda 表达式分配给一个名为 del 的 ExampleDel 类型的变量以及一个接受两个参数(一个整数和一个字符串)的委托。请注意,没有指定 lambda 表达式中的参数的数据类型。但是,del 要求一个整数参数和一个字符串参数,如 ExampleDel 的定义中所指定的那样。

' Definition of function delegate ExampleDel.
Delegate Function ExampleDel(ByVal arg1 As Integer, _
                             ByVal arg2 As String) As Integer
' Declaration of del as an instance of ExampleDel, with no data 
' type specified for the parameters, m and s.
Dim del As ExampleDel = Function(m, s) m

' Valid call to del, sending in an integer and a string.
Console.WriteLine(del(7, "up"))

' Neither of these calls is valid. Function del requires an integer
' argument and a string argument.
' Not valid.
' Console.WriteLine(del(7, 3))
' Console.WriteLine(del("abc"))


  • 下面的示例定义了一个 lambda 表达式,如果可以为 null 的参数已被赋值,则该表达式返回 True;如果该参数的值为 Nothing,则返回 False。

    Dim notNothing = Function(num? As Integer) _
                 num IsNot Nothing
    Dim arg As Integer = 14
    Console.WriteLine("Does the argument have an assigned value?")
  • 下面的示例定义了一个 lambda 表达式,该表达式返回数组中最后一个元素的索引。

    Dim numbers() As Integer = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
    Dim lastIndex = Function(intArray() As Integer) _
                        intArray.Length - 1
    For i = 0 To lastIndex(numbers)
        numbers(i) = numbers(i) + 1



如何:在 Visual Basic 中将过程传递给另一过程

如何:创建 lambda 表达式


Visual Basic 中的过程

Visual Basic 中的 LINQ 简介

委托和 AddressOf 运算符

可以为 Null 的值类型



Function 语句 (Visual Basic)