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Filtering Items Using Query Keywords

Outlook Developer Reference

You can use the following query keywords only in DAV Searching and Locating (DASL) queries. Keywords are case-insensitive. Microsoft Jet does not support any query keywords.

  • ci_startwith and ci_phrasematch

    These content indexer keywords provide prefix and phrase matching respectively for items in an indexed store. For example, the following DASL query creates a filter for last name starting with "Smith" and uses a content indexer keyword to return the results:


    criteria = "@SQL=" & Chr(34) _ & "urn:schemas:contacts:sn" & Chr(34) _ & " ci_startswith 'Smith'"

    The following DASL query creates a filter for last name being exactly "Smith" and uses a content indexer keyword to return the results:
      criteria = "@SQL=" & Chr(34) _
    & "urn:schemas:contacts:sn" & Chr(34) _
    & " ci_phrasematch 'Smith'"
    • Is Null

      Evaluates if a property is null. Returns True if the property is null and False if the property is not null.

      Is Null operations are useful to determine if a date property has been set or if a string property is empty. If the date is null, the local time value of the date will be equal to 1/1/4501.

      The syntax of Is Null is as follows:


      [PropertyName] IS NULL

      where *PropertyName* is the name of a property referenced by namespace. You can combine the **Is Null** keywords with the **Not** operator to evaluate if a property is not null. The following DASL query retrieves all contacts where the custom property **Order Date** is not null and the **[CompanyName](bb220255\(v=office.12\).md)** property is exactly Microsoft:
        criteria = "@SQL=" & "(NOT(" _
      & Chr(34) & "" _
      & "{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/Order%20Date" & Chr(34) _
      & " IS NULL) AND " _
      & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Company" & Chr(34) _
      & " = 'Microsoft')"

      See Also