
更新:2007 年 11 月

在 Visual Studio .NET 中,编译器会将其签名映射到模板函数显式专用化的函数(即使该函数前面没有 template<>)视作专用化。现在,此类函数被视为非模板重载。


// bc_overloading_of_function_templates.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
template<class T>
void f(T)   // called in Visual Studio .NET 2003
    printf_s("in void f(T)\n");

void f(int)   // called in Visual Studio .NET
// for identical behavior for both compiler versions, use
// template<> void 
// f<int>(int)
    printf_s("in void f(int)\n");

int main()
    // Visual C++ .NET calls template function specialization
    // because explicit template arguments were provided. 
    // The current compiler will also call specialization because 
    // explicit template arguments were provided.
    // But these will call different functions because the previous 
    // compiler explicitly specializes on int, and the current
    // compiler does not (creates non-template overload)
    // Visual C++ .NET will call template function specialization
    // because no global non-template overload defined.
    // The current compiler will call the non-template overload.

对于前面的示例,请注意,通过使 f(int) 成为显式专用化(而不是应重载的专用化),将可以实现相同的行为。在 Visual C++ 的 Visual Studio .NET 2003 和 Visual Studio .NET 版本中都将调用专用化。



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