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Software + Services (S+S)

The future is a combination of local software and Internet services interacting with one another. Software makes services better and services make software better. And by bringing together the best of both worlds, we maximize choice, flexibility and capabilities for our customers. We describe this evolutionary path in our industry as Software + Services.

In this web site, we will be looking at the architectural impact of building, running, consuming and monetizing S+S solutions.

Please look at the Related Links section for other S+S perspectives.

Software + Services for Architects (webcast) Software + Services for Architects (webcast)

This session will provide an updated architect’s perspective on S+S. Taking into consideration the existing and upcoming investment in cloud-based infrastructure, we will be going through the architectural challenges faced by ISV architects in building S+S solutions, as well as the ones faced by architects in large enterprises mostly consuming S+S solutions. Emerging patterns and best practices will be discussed for these scenarios. [download]

The Architecture Journal: Software + Services The Architecture Journal: Software + Services

Fat or thin client? Mobile or desktop? Local installation or Web application? Instead of choosing based on “or”, what if we could pick something using “and”? Why do our choices have to be constrained to one particular technology, when the best solution is often a mix of both? That’s the concept behind the theme of this issue of The Architecture Journal: Software + Services.

What is your focus?


Build S+S

  • Best practices on Single Instance Multi Tenancy
  • LitwareHR v2: an S+S Reference Architecture
  • Opinions on designing and implementing S+S



Run S+S

  • Best Practices on Service Delivery Platforms
  • Northwind Hosting: an SDP Concept Demo
  • Opinions on Hosting S+S



Consume S+S

  • Integration Architecture
  • Composition Architecture
  • Opinions on New Trends in Corporate IT



Monetize S+S

  • Architecture patterns for creating dynamic S+S marketplace ecosystem
  • Reference architecture for implementing application marketplaces
  • Opinions on software licensing, monetization models and long tail software economy

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