Aracılığıyla paylaş

Control.OnClick(EventArgs) Yöntem


Olayı tetikler Click .

 virtual void OnClick(EventArgs ^ e);
protected virtual void OnClick (EventArgs e);
abstract member OnClick : EventArgs -> unit
override this.OnClick : EventArgs -> unit
Protected Overridable Sub OnClick (e As EventArgs)



EventArgs Olay verilerini içeren bir.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, türetilmiş bir sınıfta yöntemini geçersiz kılmayı OnClick gösterir. Örneği çalıştırmak için aşağıdaki kodu bir form sınıfından sonra aynı dosyaya yapıştırın. Forma türünde SingleClickTextBox bir metin kutusu ekleyin.

// This is a custom TextBox control that overrides the OnClick method
// to allow one-click selection of the text in the text box.
public ref class SingleClickTextBox: public TextBox
   virtual void OnClick( EventArgs^ e ) override
      TextBox::OnClick( e );
// This is a custom TextBox control that overrides the OnClick method
// to allow one-click selection of the text in the text box.

public class SingleClickTextBox: TextBox

    protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
' This is a custom TextBox control that overrides the OnClick method
' to allow one-click selection of the text in the text box.

Public Class SingleClickTextBox
    Inherits TextBox

    Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub

End Class

Aşağıdaki kod örneği, olay ve olay işleyicisinin birçok kullanımdan Click birini gösterir.

   // This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control to set
   // properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example assumes
   // that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox control. The 
   // example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is connected to
   // the event handler method defined in the example.
   void button1_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case a GroupBox.
      Control^ control = button1->Parent;
      // Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
      control->Text = "My Groupbox";
      control->BackColor = Color::Blue;
      // Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
      Form^ myForm = button1->FindForm();
      // Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
      myForm->Text = "The Form of My Control";
      myForm->BackColor = Color::Red;
// This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control to set
// properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example assumes
// that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox control. The 
// example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is connected to
// the event handler method defined in the example.
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   // Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case a GroupBox.
   Control control = button1.Parent;
   // Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
   control.Text = "My Groupbox";
   control.BackColor = Color.Blue;
   // Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
   Form myForm = button1.FindForm();
   // Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
   myForm.Text = "The Form of My Control";
   myForm.BackColor = Color.Red;
' This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control to set
' properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example assumes
' that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox control. The 
' example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is connected to
' the event handler method defined in the example.
Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
   ' Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case a GroupBox.
   Dim control As Control = button1.Parent
   ' Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
   control.Text = "My Groupbox"
   control.BackColor = Color.Blue
   ' Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
   Dim myForm As Form = button1.FindForm()
   ' Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
   myForm.Text = "The Form of My Control"
   myForm.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub


Olay bildirmek, bir temsilci yoluyla olay işleyicisini çağırır. Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. Olayları İşleme ve Oluşturma.

yöntemi, OnClick türetilmiş sınıfların bir temsilci eklemeden olayı işlemesine de izin verir. Bu, türetilmiş bir sınıftaki olayı işlemek için tercih edilen tekniktir.

Devralanlara Notlar

Türetilmiş bir sınıfta geçersiz kıldığınızda OnClick(EventArgs) , kayıtlı temsilcilerin olayı alması için temel sınıfın OnClick(EventArgs) yöntemini çağırdığınızdan emin olun.

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