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Usage Scenarios and Examples for Common Language Runtime (CLR) Integration

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 includes sample applications, package samples, and numerous coding samples that you can use to learn about the programmability features of common language runtime (CLR) integration.

The following table describes the CLR integration programmability samples.

Name Description

AdventureWorks Cycles CLR Layer

Provides utilities that form an extra layer of functionality on top of the base AdventureWorks sample database.

Операции над строками с учетом дополнений

Shows the implementation of five supplementary-aware Transact-SQL string functions that can handle both Unicode and surrogate strings.

Обработка больших объектов

Demonstrates transferring large binary objects (LOBs) between SQL Server and a file system accessible to the server using CLR stored procedures.

Образец In-Process Data Access

Contains a number of simple functions demonstrating various features of the CLR in-process data access provider.

Образец String Utilities

Contains a streaming table-valued function (TVF), written in Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Basic, which splits a comma-separated string into a table with one column.

Программы работы с определяемыми пользователем типами

Contains a number of user-defined data type (UDT) utility functions.

Образец определяемого пользователем типа данных

Shows the creation and use of a simple UDT from both Transact-SQL and a client application using System.Data.SqlClient.

Определяемый пользователем тип для строк UTF8

Demonstrates the implementation of a UDT that extends the type system of the database to provide storage for UTF8 encoded values.

Определяемые пользователем типы даты-времени с учетом календаря

Defines two UDTs that provide calendar-aware handling of dates and times.

Образец результирующего набора

Demonstrates how to execute commands while reading through results of a query, without opening a new connection and without reading all results into memory.

Образец Array Parameter

Demonstrates how to create, update, or delete a set of rows in a database by passing an array of information from a client to a CLR integration stored procedure on the server. This is done using a UDT.

Образец Hello World

Demonstrates the basic operations to create, deploy, and test a simple CLR integration-based stored procedure.

Многоязычный образец Hello World Ready

Demonstrates the basic operations to create, deploy, and test a simple world ready CLR integration-based stored procedure.

Образец Impersonation

Demonstrates how to use impersonation to use the credentials passed from the client. This is done to access operating system protected resources when you are using integrated security.

Образец Spatial

Demonstrates how to use impersonation to use the credentials passed from the client to access operating system protected resources, such as files, when you are using integrated security.

Образец возвращающей табличное значение функции Oracle

Demonstrates how to invoke the managed code interface to Oracle to expose the results of any Oracle query as a table-valued function.

Образец отсылки DataSet

Demonstrates how to return an ADO .NET based DataSet within a server side CLR-based stored procedure as a result set to the client.

Образец System.Transactions

Demonstrates controlling transactions by using the managed APIs located in the System.Transactions namespace.

См. также

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