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Como: defina opções iniciar para depuração Application

The Debug page of the Project Designer contains three Start Option properties that allow you to specify additional actions to be taken when the project goes into run mode.

The Command line arguments property specifies command-line arguments to be called when launching the application.

The Working directory property specifies the working directory from which the project is launched. This option is irrelevant when the Start action is set to Start browser in URL.

The Use remote machine property enables remote debugging of an .exe. When this option is selected, you must specify the name of the machine on which the .exe will run. The location of the .exe on the remote machine must match the value of the Make exe path property, which is on the Compile page of the Project Designer. For more information, see Como: Ativar depuração remota.


The remote machine needs the debugger components installed. The user of the local machine needs to be in the Debugger Users group on the remote machine. The .exe must be in a shareable directory on the remote machine. For more information, see Instalação de Depuração Remota.

To specify command-line arguments for debugging

  1. Com um projeto selecionado no Solution Explorerdiante do projeto menu, clique em Propriedades.

  2. Click the Debug tab.

  3. In the Command line arguments field, enter the command-line arguments you wish to use.

To specify the working directory for debugging

  1. Com um projeto selecionado no Solution Explorerdiante do projeto menu, clique em Propriedades.

  2. Click the Debug tab.

  3. In the Working directory field, enter the directory from which the project will be launched.


    This option is not available when the Start action property is set to Start browser in URL.

Consulte também


Como: Alterar a ação Iniciar para depuração de aplicativos

Como: Ativar depuração remota

Outros recursos

Gerenciando propriedades Depuração

Instalação de Depuração Remota

Configurações Debug e Release projeto