SET Statement in SharePoint Foundation Search SQL Syntax

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Used to specify certain options for the query. The options that you can specify using the SET statement are PROPERTYNAME and RANKMETHOD.


You can associate a property with a friendly alias for the query, using the following syntax:

SET PROPERTYNAME <guid_format>

PROPID <property_id> | <property_name>

AS <column_alias> [<type_clause>]


You can specify the rank method for queries with the ISABOUT term, using the following syntax:

SET RANKMETHOD <rankmethod>


The RANKMETHOD methods that can be specified using the SET statement are JACCARD COEFFICIENT, DICE COEFFICIENT, and INNER PRODUCT. For more information about these methods, see RANKMETHOD Term in SharePoint Foundation Search SQL Syntax.

See Also


SharePoint Foundation Search SQL Syntax