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Language Bar (TSF Applications)

An application cannot add items to the language bar; only a text service can add items to the language bar. An application can affect how certain items on the language bar appear.

The GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DICTATIONSTAT compartment is used to indicate the type of speech input that the application can accept: direct text input (dictation) and/or voice commands. By default, dictation is enabled and voice command is disabled. If the application can accept voice commands, it should set the TF_COMMANDING_ENABLED value in the GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DICTATIONSTAT compartment. If the application can accept dictation, it should set the TF_DICTATION_ENABLED value in the GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DICTATIONSTAT compartment. The TF_DICTATION_ON or TF_COMMANDING_ON value of this compartment determines which mode (dictation or command) speech input is currently in.

If the application supports persistent storage of property data, it should set the GUID_COMPARTMENT_PERSISTMENUENABLED compartment to a nonzero value. This causes the speech text service to enable the Save Speech Data menu item.

How To Set Up Text Services Framework

Language Bar (Text Services)