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Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI Namespace

The following types are in the Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace, which is in the Microsoft.Mediacenter.UI.dll assembly.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace exposes the following classes:

Class Description
Application Provides services for applications.
ArrayListDataSet Specifies an array-based data set that is used to provide a list of data. This class is used primarily by the Repeater view item.
BooleanChoice Allows a choice of true or false.
ByteRangedValue Defines a byte value within a minimum and maximum range.
Choice Defines a list of exclusive options that the application can work with. The application can use an index or access options by advancing through them in either direction.
Command Represents a ModelItem object that can be invoked.
EditableDigits Represents a user-editable string of digits.
EditableText Represents a user-editable string.
Image Creates an image object.
ImageRequirements Defines the requirements for loading an image.
IntRangedValue Defines an integer value within a minimum and maximum range.
ListDataSet Creates a collection of data that can change and be manipulated. This class wraps an IList and sends notifications when its contents have changed.
LoadResult Provides status when loading markup.
MarkupVisibleAttribute Defines an attribute to apply to non-public members that may be accessible from markup.
McmlLoadResult Provides status when loading a Windows Media Center Markup Language (MCML) resource.
ModelItem Represents the main base object in which the model (code and data) is created. The object that owns the ModelItem object is responsible for disposing of it.
ObjectPropertyPair Groups objects and properties.
PropertySet Defines an arbitrary collection of property values and raises property change notifications when you add, remove, or modify property values.
RangedValue Defines a value within a minimum and maximum range.
ResourceGroup Acquires a set of XML data from a web service for displaying a UI, such as a set of images, sounds, and text.
SecureEditableText Represents a secure user-editable string.
Sound Creates a sound object.
Timer Creates a timer object, which allows you to set properties and start and stop the timer.
VirtualList Creates a collection of very large data sets, slow-acquiring data, or a combination of both.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace exposes the following interfaces:

Interface Description
ICommand Provides base command functionality.
IModelItem Provides base functionality for a ModelItem.
IModelItemOwner Takes ownership of the lifetime of a set of ModelItem objects.
IPropertyObject Provides a mechanism for receiving property-change notifications.
ITransformer Creates a data transformation object.
ITransformerEx Creates a data transformation object and allows you to apply a pretransformation object first.
IValueRange Provides base functionality for a value set.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace exposes the following structures:

Structure Description
Color Represents an Alpha Red Green Blue (ARGB) color.
Inset Defines the sides of an inset (left, top, right, and bottom).
Point Defines a point.
Rectangle Defines a rectangle.
Rotation Defines an axis of rotation.
Size Defines a size as height and width.
Vector3 Defines a vector.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace exposes the following enumerations:

Enumeration Description
AcquisitionStatus Contains values that indicate the status of acquiring a resource group.
Colors Contains a list of system-defined colors.
InvokePolicy Specifies the ways in which a call can be invoked.
LoadResultStatus Contains the types of status when loading markup.
ModelItemDisposeMode Contains options for disposing of a ModelItem object.
ReleaseBehavior Contains the possible actions to take with a data item when the VisualReleaseBehavior property is called.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI namespace exposes the following delegates:

Delegate Description
DeferredHandler Represents the callback method to invoke when you call the Application.DeferredInvoke or Application.DeferredInvokeOnWorkerThread methods to schedule work to be done on the thread.
ItemCountHandler Represents a delayed callback method that queries the count, so that the count does not need to be specified when the VirtualList object is created.
ItemRequestCallback Represents a callback method that is invoked in response to a VirtualList item query after the data item is available.
PropertyChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles property changes in the IPropertyObject object.
RequestItemHandler Represents the method to handle requests from a VirtualList to get and create an item if it is not available.
RequestSlowDataHandler Represents the method to handle requests from a VirtualList to fill in slow data (data that takes a long time to load) on a list item that has already been created.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also