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PointKeyFrame Object (Abstract)

Provides a base class for specific animation key frame techniques that define an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames.

Must use derived objects.
Must use derived objects.


KeyTime, Name, Value


Equals, FindName, GetHost, GetValue, SetValue

Derived Objects

DiscretePointKeyFrame, LinearPointKeyFrame, SplinePointKeyFrame


PointKeyFrame is an abstract class that defines Point value type key frames for three different techniques of key frame animation: DiscretePointKeyFrame, LinearPointKeyFrame, SplinePointKeyFrame. To animate a Point with key frames, you define a PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames animation, and populate its KeyFrames property with one or more DiscretePointKeyFrame, LinearPointKeyFrame, or SplinePointKeyFrame elements that define the key frames.

For more information, see the following PointKeyFrame derived objects: DiscretePointKeyFrame, LinearPointKeyFrame, SplinePointKeyFrame.

See Also

Silverlight Key-Frame Animations Overview