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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Due to significant performance and reliability limitations, the method for providing performance counter data that this topic describes may be altered or unavailable in the future. Instead, Microsoft recommends that you use the method described in Providing Counter Data Using Version 2.0 for creating new performance counters and that you migrate existing performance counters to use that method.
The names and descriptions of all V1 performance objects and their counters must be installed the system. To store names and descriptions for the objects and counters from your V1 provider:
Create a .h header file that defines constants (macros) for the offsets to the objects and counters that your provider provides. The .h header is used as input to lodctr during installation of your provider, and may also be used by the C/C++ code of your provider.
The constant values must be consecutive, even numbers beginning with zero. Group the constants by objects (i.e. start each group with the object offset, then follow with the offsets of the counters for that object).
The constants in the header determine the order in which the counters are added to the name and help text in the registry. The provider uses the offsets to determine which object is being queried and the index values to use when returning the data. For details, see Implementing OpenPerformanceData.
The following shows an example of a symbolic constant file, named CounterOffsets.h, that is used in the Creating a Performance Extension DLL example.
#ifndef OFFSETS_H
#define OFFSETS_H
// Symbol file that defines constant values for the objects
// and counters that the provider provides. The counters should be
// grouped by object.
#define TRANSFER_OBJECT 0 // First object must be at offset 0.
#define BYTES_SENT 2 // Counters for the object follow.
#define AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH 4 // Offsets must be even numbers.
// Not required, but for convenience in implementing the Open function:
#define PEER_OBJECT 6 // Second object must be at the next offset.
#define BYTES_SERVED 8 // Counter for the second object.
// Not required, but for convenience in implementing the Open function:
#endif // OFFSETS_H
The initialization (.INI) file contains the name and help strings for each object and counter defined in your symbol file. The .INI file is used as input to lodctr during installation of your provider.
The .INI file should be encoded as UTF-16LE (with byte order mark) and should have the following sections and keys:
The [info]
section contains general information about the provider. The section keys are defined as follows:
Key | Description |
DriverName | Specify the name of the provider's performance key located in the registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services key. For information on creating this key, see Creating the Application's Performance Key. |
SymbolFile | Specify the .h header file that contains symbolic values of your provider's objects and counters. During installation (when invoking lodctr), the header file must be in the same directory as the .INI file. |
Trusted | If you include this key in the [info] section, lodctr will add a Library Validation Code registry value to your performance key with a binary signature of your performance DLL. When PERFLIB calls your DLL it compares the signature with your DLL to determine if the DLL has been modified. The value of the Trusted key is ignored. |
The DriverName
and SymbolFile
keys are required.
The [objects]
section provides a list of the performance objects that the provider supports. This is used to determine whether each symbol from the [text]
section refers an object or a counter.
For each object (counterset) supported by your provider, add one key named <symbol>_<langid>_NAME=
to the [objects]
section, where <symbol>
is the name of the object and <langid>
is the language id of one of the supported languages. The value is ignored.
The [objects]
section improves the performance of the system. Although the objects section is optional, you should always include this section in your .INI file. If you include this section, your performance DLL is called only if you support the requested object. If you do not include the objects section, your DLL is called for every query because the system does not know which objects your provider supports. If the object section is not included, lodctr generates a message in the application event log stating that the .INI file did not contain an objects section. The event identifier of this message is 2000.
The [languages]
section provides a list of the language identifiers of each language for which your provider supplies name and help strings. All providers should support 009
For each supported language, add one key named <langid>=
. The value is ignored, but for documentation purposes the value is normally set to the name of the corresponding language, e.g. 009=English
For most languages, you should use the primary language identifier. The complete list of language identifiers is in the Winnt.h header file, under the heading "Primary Language Ids." Convert the value found in Winnt.h into a sequence of 3 hexadecimal digits by removing the 0x
prefix and adding leading 0
digits until the sequence is 3 digits long. For example, to specify English strings (0x9), use 009. To specify Italian strings (0x10), use 010.
Chinese and Portuguese languages require both the primary and sublanguage identifiers. Use 404, 804, 416, or 816 instead of 004 or 016.
The [text]
section provides the name and help strings for your objects and counters.
For each object or counter, and for each supported language, you must provide a NAME key (containing the name or title string for your object or counter) and you may optionally provide a HELP key (containing the description or explanation string for your object or counter). The keys should be named <symbol>_<langid>_NAME
and <symbol>_<langid>_HELP
, where <symbol>
is the symbolic constant for the object or counter (as defined in the symbolic constant .h file), and <langid>
is the language identifier used for this string.
For example, the English strings for a counter with symbol MY_COUNTER
would be specified as:
MY_COUNTER_009_NAME=My Counter
MY_COUNTER_009_HELP=Description for My Counter.
The text keys can appear in any order. The text strings should not contain formatting characters such as tabs.
The following is an example of an initialization file that is used in the Creating a Performance Extension DLL sample.
// English strings
TRANSFER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Provides information related to transferring files.
BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent
BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes sent in the last transfer.
AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH_009_NAME=Available Bandwidth
AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH_009_HELP=Available bandwidth on the network, in bytes.
PEER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Provides information related to peer-caching.
BYTES_SERVED_009_NAME=Bytes Served
BYTES_SERVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes served from the cache.
// French strings
TRANSFER_OBJECT_00C_HELP=Fournit des informations liées aux transferts de fichiers.
BYTES_SENT_00C_NAME=Octets Envoyés
BYTES_SENT_00C_HELP=Nombre d'octets envoyés dans le dernier transfert.
AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH_00C_NAME=Bande Passante Disponible
AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH_00C_HELP=Bande passante disponible sur le réseau, en octets.
PEER_OBJECT_00C_HELP=Fournit des informations liées é mise en cache homologue.
BYTES_SERVED_00C_HELP=Le nombre d'octets servis du cache.
To load the names and help strings defined in your .INI file (during the installation of your provider), run the lodctr tool from the folder that contains your .INI file and header file. The tool is included with the computer. You must run lodctr with elevated privileges. The parameter to lodctr is the path to your .INI file. For example, lodctr "C:\Program Files\MyCompany\MyProvider\MyProvider.ini"
To unload the names and help strings (during uninstall), run the unlodctr tool. You must run unlodctr with elevated privileges. The parameter to unlodctr is the DriverName of your provider (the name of the provider's performance key). For example, unlodctr "MyProvider"
Before running lodctr, be sure that your application has an entry under the Services key. For details, see Creating the Application's Performance Key. If the key does not exist, lodctr will not update the registry with your names and descriptions.
As an alternative to running lodctr, you can call LoadPerfCounterTextStrings (defined in Loadperf.h) from your installation program to load your counter names descriptions. You can then call UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings during uninstall.
The lodctr utility copies the strings from the .INI file to the Counters and Help registry values under the appropriate language subkeys. If the corresponding language subkey does not exist, the strings for that language are not copied. The utility also updates the Last Counter and Last Help value. The performance counter names and descriptions are stored in the following location in the registry.
\Windows NT
Last Counter = highest counter index
Last Help = highest help index
Counters = 2 System 4 Memory...
Help = 3 The System Object Type...
\supported language, other than English
Counters = ...
Help = ...
In addition to adding values under the PerfLib key, the lodctr tool also adds the following values to the Services node for the application. In most cases, the application and provider will have a one-to-one relationship; however, it is possible for a provider to provide counter data for multiple applications, which is why the key is based on the application and not the provider.
First Counter = lowest counter index assigned to provider
First Help = lowest help index assigned to provider
Last Counter = highest counter index assigned to provider
Last Help = highest help index assigned to provider
Object List = list of object index values if the .INI includes the [objects] section
Library Validation Code = if the [info] section contains a "trusted" key
Learning path
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization