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XSLTransform Object


Represents a single registered Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT).

Using the XSLTransform Object

Use the Add method of the XSLTransforms collection to add an individual XSLT to the list of XSLTs available for a schema. The following example adds the simplesample.xslt transformation to the XSLTs for the SimpleSample schema.

Sub AddXSLT()
    Dim objSchema As XMLNamespace
    Dim objTransform As XSLTransform
    Set objSchema = Application.XMLNamespaces("SimpleSample")
    Set objTransform = objSchema.XSLTransforms _

End Sub

Use the Item method of the XSLTransforms collection to return a single XSLTransform object. The following example deletes the first XSLT in the collection of XSLTs for the SimpleSample schema.

Sub DeleteTransform()
    Dim objXSLT As XSLTransform
    Dim intResponse As Integer
    Set objXSLT = Application.XMLNamespaces("SimpleSample") _
    intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete the " _
        & objXSLT.Alias & " XSLT?", vbYesNo)
    If intResponse = vbYes Then objXSLT.Delete
End Sub

Note  The SimpleSample schema is included in the Smart Document Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information, refer to the Smart Document SDK on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site.

Properties | Alias Property | Application Property | Creator Property | Location Property | Parent Property

Methods | Delete Method

Parent Objects | XMLNamespace

Child Objects