

方法: カスタム ToolStripRenderer を実装する

ToolStripRendererから派生するクラスを実装することで、ToolStrip コントロールの外観をカスタマイズできます。 これにより、ToolStripProfessionalRenderer クラスと ToolStripSystemRenderer クラスの外観とは異なる外観を柔軟に作成できます。

次のコード例では、カスタム ToolStripRenderer クラスを実装する方法を示します。 この例では、GridStrip コントロールはスライディング タイル パズルを実装します。これにより、ユーザーはテーブル レイアウト内のタイルを移動して画像を形成できます。 カスタム ToolStrip コントロールは、その ToolStripButton コントロールをグリッド レイアウトに配置します。 レイアウトには 1 つの空のセルが含まれており、ユーザーはドラッグ アンド ドロップ操作を使用して隣接するタイルをスライドできます。 ユーザーが移動できるタイルが強調表示されます。

GridStripRenderer クラスは、GridStrip コントロールの外観の 3 つの側面をカスタマイズします。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;

namespace GridStripLib
    // The following class implements a sliding-tile puzzle.
    // The GridStrip control is a custom ToolStrip that arranges
    // its ToolStripButton controls in a grid layout. There is
    // one empty cell, into which the user can slide an adjacent
    // tile with a drag-and-drop operation. Tiles that are eligible
    // for moving are highlighted.
    public class GridStrip : ToolStrip
        // The button that is the drag source.
        private ToolStripButton dragButton = null;

        // Settings for the ToolStrip control's TableLayoutPanel.
        // This provides access to the cell position of each
        // ToolStripButton.
        private TableLayoutSettings tableSettings = null;

        // The empty cell. ToolStripButton controls that are
        // adjacent to this button can be moved to this button's
        // cell position.
        private ToolStripButton emptyCellButton = null;

        // The dimensions of each tile. A tile is represented
        // by a ToolStripButton controls.
        private Size tileSize = new Size(128, 128);

        // The number of rows in the GridStrip control.
        private readonly int rows = 5;

        // The number of columns in the GridStrip control.
        private readonly int columns = 5;

        // The one-time initialzation behavior is enforced
        // with this field. For more information, see the
        // OnPaint method.
        private bool firstTime = false;

        // This is a required by the Windows Forms designer.
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components;

        // The default constructor.
        public GridStrip()


        // This property exposes the empty cell to the
        // GridStripRenderer class.
        internal ToolStripButton EmptyCell
                return this.emptyCellButton;

        // This utility method initializes the TableLayoutPanel
        // which contains the ToolStripButton controls.
        private void InitializeTableLayoutSettings()
            // Specify the numbers of rows and columns in the GridStrip control.
            this.tableSettings = base.LayoutSettings as TableLayoutSettings;
            this.tableSettings.ColumnCount = this.rows;
            this.tableSettings.RowCount = this.columns;

            // Create a dummy bitmap with the dimensions of each tile.
            // The GridStrip control sizes itself based on these dimensions.
            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height);

            // Populate the GridStrip control with ToolStripButton controls.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.tableSettings.ColumnCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.tableSettings.RowCount; j++)
                    // Create a new ToolStripButton control.
                    ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton();
                    btn.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image;
                    btn.Image = b;
                    btn.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    btn.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None;
                    btn.Margin = Padding.Empty;
                    btn.Padding = Padding.Empty;

                    // Add the new ToolStripButton control to the GridStrip.

                    // Set the cell position of the ToolStripButton control.
                    TableLayoutPanelCellPosition cellPos = new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(i, j);
                    this.tableSettings.SetCellPosition(btn, cellPos);

                    // If this is the ToolStripButton control at cell (0,0),
                    // assign it as the empty cell button.
                    if( i == 0 && j == 0 )
                        btn.Text = "Empty Cell";
                        btn.Image = b;
                        this.emptyCellButton = btn;

        // This method defines the Paint event behavior.
        // The GridStripRenderer requires that the GridStrip
        // be fully layed out when it is renders, so this
        // initialization code cannot be placed in the
        // GridStrip constructor. By the time the Paint
        // event is raised, the control layout has been
        // completed, so the GridStripRenderer can paint
        // correctly. This one-time initialization is
        // implemented with the firstTime field.
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            if (!this.firstTime)
                this.Renderer = new GridStripRenderer();

                // Comment this line to see the unscrambled image.
                this.firstTime = true;

        // This utility method changes the ToolStripButton control
        // positions in the TableLayoutPanel. This scrambles the
        // buttons to initialize the puzzle.
        private void ScrambleButtons()
            int i = 0;
            int lastElement = this.Items.Count - 1;

            while ( (i != lastElement ) &&
                    (lastElement - i > 1) )
                TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos1 =

                TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos2 =



        // This method defines the MouseDown event behavior.
        // If the user has clicked on a valid drag source,
        // the drag operation starts.
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs mea)

            ToolStripButton btn = this.GetItemAt(mea.Location) as ToolStripButton;

            if (btn != null)
                if (this.IsValidDragSource(btn))
                    this.dragButton = btn;

        // This method defines the MouseMove event behavior.
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs mea)

            // Is a drag operation pending?
            if (this.dragButton != null)
                // A drag operation is pending. Call DoDragDrop to
                // determine the disposition of the operation.
                DragDropEffects dropEffect = this.DoDragDrop(
                    new DataObject(this.dragButton),

        // This method defines the DragOver event behavior.
        protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs dea)

            // Get the ToolStripButton control
            // at the given mouse position.
            Point p = new Point(dea.X, dea.Y);
            ToolStripButton item = this.GetItemAt(
                this.PointToClient(p)) as ToolStripButton;

            // If the ToolStripButton control is the empty cell,
            // indicate that the move operation is valid.
            if( item == this.emptyCellButton )
                // Set the drag operation to indicate a valid move.
                dea.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

        // This method defines the DragDrop event behavior.
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs dea)

            // Did a valid move operation occur?
            if (dea.Effect == DragDropEffects.Move)
                // The move operation is valid. Adjust the state
                // of the GridStrip control's TableLayoutPanel,
                // by swapping the positions of the source button
                // and the empty cell button.

                // Get the cell of the control to move.
                TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos =

                // Get the cell of the emptyCellButton.
                TableLayoutPanelCellPosition dropPos =

                // Move the control to the empty cell.
                tableSettings.SetCellPosition(this.dragButton, dropPos);

                // Set the position of the empty cell to
                // that of the previously occupied cell.
                tableSettings.SetCellPosition(this.emptyCellButton, sourcePos);

                // Reset the drag operation.
                this.dragButton = null;

        // This method defines the DragLeave event behavior.
        // If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
        // control, the drag operation is canceled.
        protected override void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e)

            // Reset the drag operation.
            this.dragButton = null;

        // This method defines the ueryContinueDrag event behavior.
        // If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
        // control, the drag operation is canceled.
        protected override void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs qcdevent)

            // Get the current mouse position, in screen coordinates.
            Point mousePos = this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);

            // If the mouse position is outside the GridStrip control's
            // client area, cancel the drag operation. Be sure to
            // transform the mouse's screen coordinates to client coordinates.
            if (!this.ClientRectangle.Contains(mousePos))
                qcdevent.Action = DragAction.Cancel;

        // This utility method determines if a button
        // is positioned relative to the empty cell
        // such that it can be dragged into the empty cell.
        private bool IsValidDragSource(ToolStripButton b)
            TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos =

            TableLayoutPanelCellPosition emptyPos =

            return (IsValidDragSource(sourcePos, emptyPos));

        // This utility method determines if a cell position
        // is adjacent to the empty cell.
        internal static bool IsValidDragSource(
            TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos,
            TableLayoutPanelCellPosition emptyPos)
            bool returnValue = false;

            // A cell is considered to be a valid drag source if it
            // is adjacent to the empty cell. Cells that are positioned
            // on a diagonal are not valid.
            if (((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column - 1) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row)) ||
                ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column + 1) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row)) ||
                ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row - 1)) ||
                ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row + 1)))
                returnValue = true;

            return returnValue;

        // This class implements a custom ToolStripRenderer for the
        // GridStrip control. It customizes three aspects of the
        // GridStrip control's appearance: GridStrip border,
        // ToolStripButton border, and ToolStripButton image.
        internal class GridStripRenderer : ToolStripRenderer
            // The style of the empty cell's text.
            private static StringFormat style = new StringFormat();

            // The thickness (width or height) of a
            // ToolStripButton control's border.
            static int borderThickness = 2;

            // The main bitmap that is the source for the
            // subimagesthat are assigned to individual
            // ToolStripButton controls.
            private Bitmap bmp = null;

            // The brush that paints the background of
            // the GridStrip control.
            private Brush backgroundBrush = null;

            // This is the static constructor. It initializes the
            // StringFormat for drawing the text in the empty cell.
            static GridStripRenderer()
                style.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                style.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            // This method initializes the GridStripRenderer by
            // creating the image that is used as the source for
            // the individual button images.
            protected override void Initialize(ToolStrip ts)


            // This method initializes an individual ToolStripButton
            // control. It copies a subimage from the GridStripRenderer's
            // main image, according to the position and size of
            // the ToolStripButton.
            protected override void InitializeItem(ToolStripItem item)

                GridStrip gs = item.Owner as GridStrip;

                // The empty cell does not receive a subimage.
                if ((item is ToolStripButton) &&
                    (item != gs.EmptyCell))
                    // Copy the subimage from the appropriate
                    // part of the main image.
                    Bitmap subImage = bmp.Clone(

                    // Assign the subimage to the ToolStripButton
                    // control's Image property.
                    item.Image = subImage;

            // This utility method creates the main image that
            // is the source for the subimages of the individual
            // ToolStripButton controls.
            private void InitializeBitmap(ToolStrip toolStrip)
                // Create the main bitmap, into which the image is drawn.
                this.bmp = new Bitmap(

                // Draw a fancy pattern. This could be any image or drawing.
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                    // Draw smoothed lines.
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                    // Draw the image. In this case, it is
                    // a number of concentric ellipses.
                    for (int i = 0; i < toolStrip.Size.Width; i += 8)
                        g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, 0, 0, i, i);

            // This method draws a border around the GridStrip control.
            protected override void OnRenderToolStripBorder(
                ToolStripRenderEventArgs e)


            // This method renders the GridStrip control's background.
            protected override void OnRenderToolStripBackground(
                ToolStripRenderEventArgs e)

                // This late initialization is a workaround. The gradient
                // depends on the bounds of the GridStrip control. The bounds
                // are dependent on the layout engine, which hasn't fully
                // performed layout by the time the Initialize method runs.
                if (this.backgroundBrush == null)
                    this.backgroundBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(

                // Paint the GridStrip control's background.

            // This method draws a border around the button's image. If the background
            // to be rendered belongs to the empty cell, a string is drawn. Otherwise,
            // a border is drawn at the edges of the button.
            protected override void OnRenderButtonBackground(
                ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs e)

                // Define some local variables for convenience.
                Graphics g = e.Graphics;
                GridStrip gs = e.ToolStrip as GridStrip;
                ToolStripButton gsb = e.Item as ToolStripButton;

                // Calculate the rectangle around which the border is painted.
                Rectangle imageRectangle = new Rectangle(
                    e.Item.Width - 2 * borderThickness,
                    e.Item.Height - 2 * borderThickness);

                // If rendering the empty cell background, draw an
                // explanatory string, centered in the ToolStripButton.
                if (gsb == gs.EmptyCell)
                        "Drag to here",
                        imageRectangle, style);
                    // If the button can be a drag source, paint its border red.
                    // otherwise, paint its border a dark color.
                    Brush b = gs.IsValidDragSource(gsb) ? b =
                        Brushes.Red : SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark;

                    // Draw the top segment of the border.
                    Rectangle borderSegment = new Rectangle(
                    g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);

                    // Draw the right segment.
                    borderSegment = new Rectangle(
                        e.Item.Bounds.Right - imageRectangle.Right,
                    g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);

                    // Draw the left segment.
                    borderSegment = new Rectangle(
                    g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);

                    // Draw the bottom segment.
                    borderSegment = new Rectangle(
                        e.Item.Bounds.Bottom - imageRectangle.Bottom);
                    g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);

        #region Windows Forms Designer generated code

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            // GridStrip
            this.AllowDrop = true;
            this.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.None;
            this.CanOverflow = false;
            this.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.None;
            this.GripStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden;
            this.LayoutStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table;





  • System.Drawing アセンブリと System.Windows.Forms アセンブリへの参照。
