

Guidelines for Names 

Naming guidelines provide guidance on selecting appropriate identifiers for the elements that make up class libraries including assemblies, namespaces, types, members, and parameters. Choosing identifiers that conform to these guidelines improves the usability of your library and encourages users to trust that your library will not require learning a new set of conventions.

To provide a consistent developer experience, these guidelines are required for publicly exposed elements such as public classes and protected methods. However, for consistency throughout your code and improved maintainability, you should consider using these conventions consistently throughout your code.

Portions Copyright 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Portions Copyright Addison-Wesley Corporation. All rights reserved.

For more information on design guidelines, see the "Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries" book by Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams, published by Addison-Wesley, 2005.

In This Section

  • Names of Namespaces
    Describes conventions used for namespace names and how to minimize conflicts between namespaces.
  • Names of Type Members
    Describes the best practices for selecting names for methods, properties, fields, and events.
  • Names of Resources
    Describes the best practices for selecting names for localizable resources.

See Also

Other Resources

Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries