This class represents a CStringT
template<typename BaseType, class StringTraits>
class CStringT :
public CSimpleStringT<BaseType,
_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits>
The character type of the string class. Can be one of the following:
(for ANSI character strings).wchar_t
(for Unicode character strings).TCHAR
(for both ANSI and Unicode character strings).
Determines if the string class needs C Run-Time (CRT) Library support and where string resources are located. Can be one of the following:
StrTraitATL<wchar_t | char | TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t | char | TCHAR>>
The class requires CRT support and searches for resource strings in the module specified by
(a member of the application's module class).StrTraitATL<wchar_t | char | TCHAR, ChTraitsOS<wchar_t | char |TCHAR>>
The class doesn't require CRT support and searches for resource strings in the module specified by
(a member of the application's module class).StrTraitMFC<wchar_t | char | TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t | char | TCHAR>>
The class requires CRT support and searches for resource strings using the standard MFC search algorithm.
StrTraitMFC<wchar_t | char | TCHAR, ChTraitsOS<wchar_t | char | TCHAR>>
The class doesn't require CRT support and searches for resource strings using the standard MFC search algorithm.
Name | Description |
CStringT::CStringT |
Constructs a CStringT object in various ways. |
CStringT::~CStringT |
Destroys a CStringT object. |
Name | Description |
CStringT::AllocSysString |
Allocates a BSTR from CStringT data. |
CStringT::AnsiToOem |
Makes an in-place conversion from the ANSI character set to the OEM character set. |
CStringT::AppendFormat |
Appends formatted data to an existing CStringT object. |
CStringT::Collate |
Compares two strings (case-sensitive, uses locale-specific information). |
CStringT::CollateNoCase |
Compares two strings (case-insensitive, uses locale-specific information). |
CStringT::Compare |
Compares two strings (case-sensitive). |
CStringT::CompareNoCase |
Compares two strings (case-insensitive). |
CStringT::Delete |
Deletes a character or characters from a string. |
CStringT::Find |
Finds a character or substring inside a larger string. |
CStringT::FindOneOf |
Finds the first matching character from a set. |
CStringT::Format |
Formats the string as sprintf does. |
CStringT::FormatMessage |
Formats a message string. |
CStringT::FormatMessageV |
Formats a message string using a variable argument list. |
CStringT::FormatV |
Formats the string using a variable list of arguments. |
CStringT::GetEnvironmentVariable |
Sets the string to the value of the specified environment variable. |
CStringT::Insert |
Inserts a single character or a substring at the given index within the string. |
CStringT::Left |
Extracts the left part of a string. |
CStringT::LoadString |
Loads an existing CStringT object from a Windows resource. |
CStringT::MakeLower |
Converts all the characters in this string to lowercase characters. |
CStringT::MakeReverse |
Reverses the string. |
CStringT::MakeUpper |
Converts all the characters in this string to uppercase characters. |
CStringT::Mid |
Extracts the middle part of a string. |
CStringT::OemToAnsi |
Makes an in-place conversion from the OEM character set to the ANSI character set. |
CStringT::Remove |
Removes indicated characters from a string. |
CStringT::Replace |
Replaces indicated characters with other characters. |
CStringT::ReverseFind |
Finds a character inside a larger string; starts from the end. |
CStringT::Right |
Extracts the right part of a string. |
CStringT::SetSysString |
Sets an existing BSTR object with data from a CStringT object. |
CStringT::SpanExcluding |
Extracts characters from the string, starting with the first character, that aren't in the set of characters identified by pszCharSet . |
CStringT::SpanIncluding |
Extracts a substring that contains only the characters in a set. |
CStringT::Tokenize |
Extracts specified tokens in a target string. |
CStringT::Trim |
Trims all leading and trailing whitespace characters from the string. |
CStringT::TrimLeft |
Trims leading whitespace characters from the string. |
CStringT::TrimRight |
Trims trailing whitespace characters from the string. |
Name | Description |
CStringT::operator = |
Assigns a new value to a CStringT object. |
CStringT::operator + |
Concatenates two strings, or a character and a string. |
CStringT::operator += |
Concatenates a new string to the end of an existing string. |
CStringT::operator == |
Determines if two strings are logically equal. |
CStringT::operator != |
Determines if two strings aren't logically equal. |
CStringT::operator < |
Determines if the string on the left side of the operator is less than to the string on the right side. |
CStringT::operator > |
Determines if the string on the left side of the operator is greater than to the string on the right side. |
CStringT::operator <= |
Determines if the string on the left side of the operator is less than or equal to the string on the right side. |
CStringT::operator >= |
Determines if the string on the left side of the operator is greater than or equal to the string on the right side. |
inherits from CSimpleStringT
Class. Advanced features, such as character manipulation, ordering, and searching, are implemented by CStringT
objects are capable of throwing exceptions. This occurs when a CStringT
object runs out of memory for any reason.
A CStringT
object consists of a variable-length sequence of characters. CStringT
provides functions and operators using syntax similar to that of Basic. Concatenation and comparison operators, together with simplified memory management, make CStringT
objects easier to use than ordinary character arrays.
Although it is possible to create CStringT
instances that contain embedded null characters, we recommend against it. Calling methods and operators on CStringT
objects that contain embedded null characters can produce unintended results.
By using different combinations of the BaseType
and StringTraits
parameters, CStringT
objects can come in the following types, which have been predefined by the ATL libraries.
If using in an ATL application:
, CStringA
, and CStringW
are exported from the MFC DLL (MFC90.DLL), never from user DLLs. This is done to prevent CStringT
from being defined multiple times.
If your code contains the workaround for linker errors that is described in Exporting String Classes Using CStringT, you should remove that code. It is no longer needed.
The following string types are available within MFC-based applications:
CStringT type | Declaration |
CStringA |
An ANSI character type string with CRT support. |
CStringW |
A Unicode character type string with CRT support. |
CString |
Both ANSI and Unicode character types with CRT support. |
The following string types are available in projects where ATL_CSTRING_NO_CRT
is defined:
CStringT type | Declaration |
CAtlStringA |
An ANSI character type string without CRT support. |
CAtlStringW |
A Unicode character type string without CRT support. |
CAtlString |
Both ANSI and Unicode character types without CRT support. |
The following string types are available in projects where ATL_CSTRING_NO_CRT
isn't defined:
CStringT type | Declaration |
CAtlStringA |
An ANSI character type string with CRT support. |
CAtlStringW |
A Unicode character type string with CRT support. |
CAtlString |
Both ANSI and Unicode character types with CRT support. |
objects also have the following characteristics:
objects can grow because of concatenation operations.CStringT
objects follow "value semantics". Think of aCStringT
object as an actual string, not as a pointer to a string.You can freely substitute
objects forPCXSTR
function arguments.Custom memory management for string buffers. For more information, see Memory Management and
Because CStringT
uses a template argument to define the character type (either wchar_t
or char
) supported, method parameter types can be complicated at times. To simplify this issue, a set of predefined types is defined and used throughout the CStringT
class. The following table lists the various types:
Name | Description |
A single character (either wchar_t or char ) with the same character type as the CStringT object. |
A single character (either wchar_t or char ) with the opposite character type as the CStringT object. |
A pointer to a character string (either wchar_t or char ) with the same character type as the CStringT object. |
A pointer to a character string (either wchar_t or char ) with the opposite character type as the CStringT object. |
A pointer to a const character string (either wchar_t or char ) with the same character type as the CStringT object. |
A pointer to a const character string (either wchar_t or char ) with the opposite character type as the CStringT object. |
Code that previously used undocumented methods of CString
(such as AssignCopy
) must be replaced with code that uses the following documented methods of CStringT
(such as GetBuffer
or ReleaseBuffer
). These methods are inherited from CSimpleStringT
Header | Use for |
cstringt.h |
MFC-only string objects |
atlstr.h |
Non-MFC string objects |
Allocates an Automation-compatible string of the type BSTR
and copies the contents of the CStringT
object into it, including the terminating null character.
BSTR AllocSysString() const;
The newly allocated string.
In MFC programs, a CMemoryException
Class is thrown if insufficient memory exists. In ATL programs, a CAtlException
is thrown. This function is normally used to return strings for Automation.
Commonly, if this string is passed to a COM function as an [in]
parameter, then this requires the caller to free the string. This can be done by using SysFreeString
, as described in the Windows SDK. For more information, see Allocating and Releasing Memory for a BSTR
For more information about OLE allocation functions in Windows, see SysAllocString
in the Windows SDK.
The following example demonstrates the use of CStringT::AllocSysString
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("This is a test string!"));
BSTR bstr = str.AllocSysString();
// bstr now contains "This is a test string!", and can be
// passed to any OLE function requiring a BSTR.
// Normally, if you pass the BSTR, you will
// need to free the string after returning from the function call.
Converts all the characters in this CStringT
object from the ANSI character set to the OEM character set.
void AnsiToOem();
The function isn't available if _UNICODE
is defined.
// OEM character 252 on most IBM-compatible computers in
// many countries/regions is superscript n, as in 2^n.
// Converting it to the ANSI English charset results in a
// normal character 'n', which is the closest possible
// representation.
CStringT<char, StrTraitATL<char, ChTraitsCRT<char>>> str((WCHAR)252);
ASSERT(str[0] == 'n');
// Be aware that in OEM to ANSI conversion the 'n'
// from the previous result cannot be converted back to
// a supsercript n because the system does not know what
// the character's value truly was.
ASSERT(str[0] != 252);
ASSERT(str[0] == 'n');
Appends formatted data to an existing CStringT
void __cdecl AppendFormat(PCXSTR pszFormat, [, argument] ...);
void __cdecl AppendFormat(UINT nFormatID, [, argument] ...);
A format-control string.
The string resource identifier that contains the format-control string.
Optional arguments.
This function formats and appends a series of characters and values in the CStringT
. Each optional argument (if any) is converted and appended according to the corresponding format specification in pszFormat
or from the string resource identified by nFormatID
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str = _T("Some data:\t");
str.AppendFormat(_T("X value = %.2f\n"), 12345.12345);
_tprintf_s(_T("%s"), (LPCTSTR) str);
Compares two strings using the generic-text function _tcscoll
int Collate(PCXSTR psz) const throw();
The other string used for comparison.
Zero if the strings are identical, < 0 if this CStringT
object is less than psz
, or > 0 if this CStringT
object is greater than psz
The generic-text function _tcscoll
, which is defined in TCHAR.H
, maps to either strcoll
, wcscoll
, or _mbscoll
, depending on the character set that is defined at compile time. Each function does a case-sensitive comparison of the strings according to the code page currently in use. For more information, see strcoll
, wcscoll
, _mbscoll
, _strcoll_l
, _wcscoll_l
, _mbscoll_l.
Compares two strings using the generic-text function _tcscoll
int CollateNoCase(PCXSTR psz) const throw();
The other string used for comparison.
Zero if the strings are identical (ignoring case), < 0 if this CStringT
object is less than psz
(ignoring case), or > 0 if this CStringT
object is greater than psz
(ignoring case).
The generic-text function _tcscoll
, which is defined in TCHAR.H
, maps to either stricoll
, wcsicoll
, or _mbsicoll
, depending on the character set that is defined at compile time. Each function does a case-insensitive comparison of the strings, according to the code page currently in use. For more information, see strcoll
, wcscoll
, _mbscoll
, _strcoll_l
, _wcscoll_l
, _mbscoll_l
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str1 = _T("Co-Op");
CAtlString str2 = _T("con");
int n;
// Collation uses language rules, such as ignoring dashes.
// NoCase version ignores case.
n = str1.CollateNoCase(str2);
ASSERT(n < 0);
// Comparison is a strict ASCII comparison with no language rules
// but still ignores case in NoCase version.
n = str1.CompareNoCase(str2);
ASSERT(n < 0);
Compares two strings (case-sensitive).
int Compare(PCXSTR psz) const;
The other string used for comparison.
Zero if the strings are identical, < 0 if this CStringT
object is less than psz
, or > 0 if this CStringT
object is greater than psz
The generic-text function _tcscmp
, which is defined in TCHAR.H
, maps to either strcmp
, wcscmp
, or _mbscmp
, depending on the character set that is defined at compile time. Each function does a case-sensitive comparison of the strings and isn't affected by locale. For more information, see strcmp
, wcscmp
, _mbscmp
If the string contains embedded nulls, for purposes of comparison the string is considered to be truncated at the first embedded null character.
The following example demonstrates the use of CStringT::Compare
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("abc"));
CAtlString s2(_T("abd"));
ASSERT(s1.Compare(s2) < 0); // Compare with another CAtlString.
ASSERT(s1.Compare(_T("abe")) < 0); // Compare with LPTSTR string.
Compares two strings (case-insensitive).
int CompareNoCase(PCXSTR psz) const throw();
The other string used for comparison.
Zero if the strings are identical (ignoring case), <0 if this CStringT
object is less than psz
(ignoring case), or >0 if this CStringT
object is greater than psz
(ignoring case).
The generic-text function _tcsicmp
, which is defined in TCHAR.H
, maps to either _stricmp
, _wcsicmp
or _mbsicmp
, depending on the character set that is defined at compile time. Each function does a case-insensitive comparison of the strings. The comparison depends on the LC_CTYPE
aspect of the locale but not LC_COLLATE
. For more information, see _stricmp
, _wcsicmp
, _mbsicmp
, _stricmp_l
, _wcsicmp_l
, _mbsicmp_l
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("abc"));
CAtlString s2(_T("ABD"));
ASSERT(s1.CompareNoCase(s2) < 0); // Compare with a CAtlString.
ASSERT(s1.CompareNoCase(_T("ABE")) < 0); // Compare with LPTSTR string.
Constructs a CStringT
CStringT() throw() :
explicit CStringT(IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) throw() :
CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr);
CStringT(const VARIANT& varSrc);
CStringT(const VARIANT& varSrc, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr);
CStringT(const CStringT& strSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( strSrc);
operator CSimpleStringT<
!_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>
:: c_bIsMFCDLLTraits> &()
template <bool bMFCDLL>
CStringT(const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& strSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( strSrc);
template <class SystemString>
CStringT(SystemString^ pString) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(const XCHAR* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(const YCHAR* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(LPCSTR pszSrc, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) :
CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr);
CStringT(LPCWSTR pszSrc, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) :
CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr);
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(const unsigned char* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
/*CSTRING_EXPLICIT*/ CStringT(char* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(unsigned char* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(wchar_t* pszSrc) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(const unsigned char* pszSrc, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) :
CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr);
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(char ch, int nLength = 1) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT(wchar_t ch, int nLength = 1) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(const XCHAR* pch, int nLength) :
CThisSimpleString( pch, nLength, StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(const YCHAR* pch, int nLength) :
CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager());
CStringT(const XCHAR* pch, int nLength, AtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) :
CThisSimpleString( pch, nLength, pStringMgr);
CStringT(const YCHAR* pch, int nLength, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) :
CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr);
A pointer to an array of characters of length nLength
, not null-terminated.
A count of the number of characters in pch
A single character.
A null-terminated string to be copied into this CStringT
A pointer to the memory manager for the CStringT
object. For more information on IAtlStringMgr
and memory management for CStringT
, see Memory Management with CStringT.
An existing CStringT
object to be copied into this CStringT
object. For more information on CThisString
and CThisSimpleString
, see the Remarks section.
A variant object to be copied into this CStringT
The character type of the string class. Can be one of the following:
(for ANSI character strings).
(for Unicode character strings).
(for both ANSI and Unicode character strings).
Boolean that specifies whether the project is an MFC DLL (TRUE
) or not (FALSE
Must be System::String
, and the project must be compiled with /clr
A handle for a CStringT
Because the constructors copy the input data into new allocated storage, memory exceptions may result. Some of these constructors act as conversion functions. This allows you to substitute, for example, an LPTSTR
where a CStringT
object is expected.
): Constructs a UnicodeCStringT
from an ANSI string. You can also use this constructor to load a string resource as shown in the example below.CStringT(
): Constructs aCStringT
from a Unicode string.CStringT
(const unsigned char*
): Allows you to construct aCStringT
from a pointer tounsigned char
macro to turn off implicit string conversion between ANSI and Unicode strings. The macro excludes from compilation constructors that support conversion.
The strSrc
parameter can be either a CStringT
or CThisSimpleString
object. For CStringT
, use one of its default instantiations (CString
, CStringA
, or CStringW
); for CThisSimpleString
, use a this
pointer. CThisSimpleString
declares an instance of the CSimpleStringT
Class, which is a smaller string class with less built-in functionality than the CStringT
The overload operator CSimpleStringT<>&()
constructs a CStringT
object from a CSimpleStringT
Although it is possible to create CStringT
instances that contain embedded null characters, we recommend against it. Calling methods and operators on CStringT
objects that contain embedded null characters can produce unintended results.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1; // Empty string
CAtlString s2(_T("cat")); // From a C string literal
CAtlString s3 = s2; // Copy constructor
CAtlString s4(s2 + _T(" ") + s3); // From a string expression
CAtlString s5(_T('x')); // s5 = "x"
CAtlString s6(_T('x'), 6); // s6 = "xxxxxx"
CAtlString s7((LPCSTR)ID_FILE_NEW); // s7 = "Create a new document"
V_VT(&var) = VT_BSTR;
V_BSTR(&var) = ::SysAllocString(L"Football is a fun sport.");
CAtlString s8(var); // s8 = "Football is a fun sport."
// The following statement does not call the assignment operator.
// The compiler considers the following statement equivalent to
// CAtlString city("Paris")
CAtlString city = _T("Paris");
Destroys the CStringT
~CStringT() throw();
Destroys the CStringT
Deletes a character or characters from a string starting with the character at the given index.
int Delete(int iIndex, int nCount = 1);
The zero-based index of the first character in the CStringT
object to delete.
The number of characters to be removed.
The length of the changed string.
If nCount
is longer than the string, the rest of the string will be removed.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("Soccer is best, but hockey is quicker!"));
_tprintf_s(_T("Before: %s\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
int n = str.Delete(6, 3);
_tprintf_s(_T("After: %s\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
ASSERT(n == str.GetLength());
Before: Soccer is best,
but hockey is quicker!
After: Soccer best,
but hockey is quicker!
Searches this string for the first match of a character or substring.
int Find(PCXSTR pszSub, int iStart=0) const throw();
int Find(XCHAR ch, int iStart=0) const throw();
A substring to search for.
The index of the character in the string to begin the search with, or 0 to start from the beginning.
A single character to search for.
The zero-based index of the first character in this CStringT
object that matches the requested substring or characters; -1 if the substring or character isn't found.
The function is overloaded to accept both single characters (similar to the run-time function strchr
) and strings (similar to strstr
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcdef"));
ASSERT(s.Find(_T('c')) == 2);
ASSERT(s.Find(_T("de")) == 3);
CAtlString str(_T("The waves are still"));
int n = str.Find(_T('e'), 5);
ASSERT(n == 7);
Searches this string for the first character that matches any character contained in pszCharSet
int FindOneOf(PCXSTR pszCharSet) const throw();
String containing characters for matching.
The zero-based index of the first character in this string that is also in pszCharSet
; -1 if there is no match.
Finds the first occurrence of any of the characters in pszCharSet
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcdef"));
ASSERT(s.FindOneOf(_T("xd")) == 3); // 'd' is first match
Writes formatted data to a CStringT
in the same way that sprintf_s
formats data into a C-style character array.
void __cdecl Format(UINT nFormatID, [, argument]...);
void __cdecl Format(PCXSTR pszFormat, [, argument] ...);
The string resource identifier that contains the format-control string.
A format-control string.
Optional arguments.
This function formats and stores a series of characters and values in the CStringT
. Each optional argument (if any) is converted and output according to the corresponding format specification in pszFormat
or from the string resource identified by nFormatID
The call will fail if the string object itself is offered as a parameter to Format
. For example, the following code will cause unpredictable results:
CAtlString str = _T("Some Data");
str.Format(_T("%s%d"), str, 123);
// Attention: str is also used in the parameter list.
For more information, see Format Specification Syntax: printf
and wprintf
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str;
str.Format(_T("Floating point: %.2f\n"), 12345.12345);
_tprintf_s(_T("%s"), (LPCTSTR) str);
str.Format(_T("Left-justified integer: %.6d\n"), 35);
_tprintf_s(_T("%s"), (LPCTSTR) str);
Formats a message string.
void __cdecl FormatMessage(UINT nFormatID, [, argument]...);
void __cdecl FormatMessage(PCXSTR pszFormat, [, argument]...);
The string resource identifier that contains the unformatted message text.
Points to the format-control string. It will be scanned for inserts and formatted accordingly. The format string is similar to run-time function printf
-style format strings, except it allows for the parameters to be inserted in an arbitrary order.
Optional arguments.
The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition is determined by pszFormat
or from the string resource identified by nFormatID
. The function copies the formatted message text to the CStringT
object, processing any embedded insert sequences if requested.
attempts to allocate system memory for the newly formatted string. If this attempt fails, a memory exception is automatically thrown.
Each insert must have a corresponding parameter following the pszFormat
or nFormatID
parameter. Within the message text, several escape sequences are supported for dynamically formatting the message. For more information, see the Windows FormatMessage
function in the Windows SDK.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str;
int nAsked = 5;
int nAgree = 4;
str.FormatMessage(_T("%1!d! of %2!d! writers agree: Soccer is %3%!"),
nAgree, nAsked, _T("Best"));
ASSERT(str == _T("4 of 5 writers agree: Soccer is Best!"));
Formats a message string using a variable argument list.
void FormatMessageV(PCXSTR pszFormat, va_list* pArgList);
Points to the format-control string. It will be scanned for inserts and formatted accordingly. The format string is similar to run-time function printf
-style format strings, except it allows for the parameters to be inserted in an arbitrary order.
Pointer to a list of arguments.
The function requires a message definition as input, determined by pszFormat
. The function copies the formatted message text and a variable list of arguments to the CStringT
object, processing any embedded insert sequences if requested.
calls CStringT::FormatMessage
, which attempts to allocate system memory for the newly formatted string. If this attempt fails, a memory exception is automatically thrown.
For more information, see the Windows FormatMessage
function in the Windows SDK.
Formats a message string using a variable argument list.
void FormatV(PCXSTR pszFormat, va_list args);
Points to the format-control string. It will be scanned for inserts and formatted accordingly. The format string is similar to run-time function printf
-style format strings, except it allows for the parameters to be inserted in an arbitrary order.
Pointer to a list of arguments.
Writes a formatted string and a variable list of arguments to a CStringT
string in the same way that vsprintf_s
formats data into a C-style character array.
void WriteString(LPCTSTR pstrFormat, ...)
CString str;
// format and write the data you were given
va_list args;
va_start(args, pstrFormat);
str.FormatV(pstrFormat, args);
// Call the above WriteString function.
WriteString(_T("%d error(s) found in %d line(s)"), 10, 1351);
Sets the string to the value of the specified environment variable.
BOOL GetEnvironmentVariable(PCXSTR pszVar);
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the environment variable.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Retrieves the value of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. The value is in the form of a null-terminated string of characters.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString EnvStr;
_tprintf_s(_T("Current value of TEMP variable: %s\n"), EnvStr);
Inserts a single character or a substring at the given index within the string.
int Insert(int iIndex, PCXSTR psz);
int Insert(int iIndex, XCHAR ch);
The index of the character before which the insertion will take place.
A pointer to the substring to be inserted.
The character to be inserted.
The length of the changed string.
The iIndex
parameter identifies the first character that will be moved to make room for the character or substring. If nIndex
is zero, the insertion will occur before the entire string. If nIndex is higher than the length of the string, the function will concatenate the present string and the new material provided by either ch
or psz
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("SoccerBest"));
int n = str.Insert(6, _T("is "));
ASSERT(n == str.GetLength());
_tprintf_s(_T("1: %s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
n = str.Insert(6, _T(' '));
ASSERT(n == str.GetLength());
_tprintf_s(_T("2: %s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
n = str.Insert(55, _T('!'));
ASSERT(n == str.GetLength());
_tprintf_s(_T("3: %s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
Extracts the leftmost nCount
characters from this CStringT
object and returns a copy of the extracted substring.
CStringT Left(int nCount) const;
The number of characters to extract from this CStringT
A CStringT
object that contains a copy of the specified range of characters. The returned CStringT
object may be empty.
If nCount
exceeds the string length, then the entire string is extracted. Left
is similar to the Basic Left
For multi-byte character sets (MBCS), nCount
treats each 8-bit sequence as a character, so that nCount
returns the number of multi-byte characters multiplied by two.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcdef"));
ASSERT(s.Left(2) == _T("ab"));
Reads a Windows string resource, identified by nID, into an existing CStringT
BOOL LoadString(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nID, WORD wLanguageID);
BOOL LoadString(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nID);
BOOL LoadString(UINT nID);
A handle to the instance of the module.
A Windows string resource ID.
The language of the string resource.
Nonzero if resource load was successful; otherwise 0.
Loads the string resource (nID
) from the specified module (hInstance
) using the specified language (wLanguage
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s;
Converts the CStringT
object to a lowercase string.
CStringT& MakeLower();
The resulting lowercase string.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("ABC"));
ASSERT(s.MakeLower() == _T("abc"));
Reverses the order of the characters in the CStringT
CStringT& MakeReverse();
The resulting reversed string.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abc"));
ASSERT(s.MakeReverse() == _T("cba"));
Converts the CStringT
object to an uppercase string.
CStringT& MakeUpper();
The resulting uppercase string.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abc"));
ASSERT(s.MakeUpper() == _T("ABC"));
Extracts a substring of length nCount
characters from this CStringT
object, starting at position iFirst
CStringT Mid(int iFirst, int nCount) const;
CStringT Mid(int iFirst) const;
The zero-based index of the first character in this CStringT
object that is to be included in the extracted substring.
The number of characters to extract from this CStringT
object. If this parameter isn't supplied, then the rest of the string is extracted.
A CStringT
object that contains a copy of the specified range of characters. The returned CStringT
object may be empty.
The function returns a copy of the extracted substring. Mid
is similar to the Basic Mid function (except that indexes in Basic are one-based).
For multibyte character sets (MBCS), nCount
refers to each 8-bit character; that is, a lead and trail byte in one multibyte character are counted as two characters.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcdef"));
ASSERT(s.Mid(2, 3) == _T("cde"));
Converts all the characters in this CStringT
object from the OEM character set to the ANSI character set.
void OemToAnsi();
This function isn't available if _UNICODE
is defined.
See the example for CStringT::AnsiToOem
Assigns a new value to the string.
CStringT& operator=(const CStringT& strSrc);
template<bool bMFCDLL>
CStringT& operator=(const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& str);
CStringT& operator=(PCXSTR pszSrc);
CStringT& operator=(PCYSTR pszSrc);
CStringT& operator=(const unsigned char* pszSrc);
CStringT& operator=(XCHAR ch);
CStringT& operator=(YCHAR ch);
CStringT& operator=(const VARIANT& var);
A CStringT
to assign to this string.
A reference to a CThisSimpleString
A boolean specifying whether the project is an MFC DLL or not.
The string base type.
A variant object to assign to this string.
An ANSI or Unicode character to assign to the string.
A pointer to the original string being assigned.
The assignment operator accepts another CStringT
object, a character pointer, or a single character. Memory exceptions can occur whenever you use this operator because new storage can be allocated.
For information on CThisSimpleString
, see the Remarks section of CStringT::CStringT
Although it is possible to create CStringT
instances that contain embedded null characters, we recommend against it. Calling methods and operators on CStringT
objects that contain embedded null characters can produce unintended results.
Concatenates two strings or a character and a string.
friend CStringT operator+(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2);
friend CStringT operator+(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2);
friend CStringT operator+(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2);
friend CStringT operator+(char ch1, const CStringT& str2);
friend CStringT operator+(const CStringT& str1, char ch2);
friend CStringT operator+(const CStringT& str1, wchar_t ch2);
friend CStringT operator+(wchar_t ch1, const CStringT& str2);
An ANSI or Unicode character to concatenate with a string.
An ANSI or Unicode character to concatenate with a string.
A CStringT
to concatenate with a string or character.
A CStringT
to concatenate with a string or character.
A pointer to a null-terminated string to concatenate with a string or character.
A pointer to a string to concatenate with a string or character.
There are seven overload forms of the CStringT::operator+
function. The first version concatenates two existing CStringT
objects. The next two concatenate a CStringT
object and a null-terminated string. The next two concatenate a CStringT
object and an ANSI character. The last two concatenate a CStringT
object and a Unicode character.
Although it is possible to create CStringT
instances that contain embedded null characters, we recommend against it. Calling methods and operators on CStringT
objects that contain embedded null characters can produce unintended results.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("dog ")), s2(_T(" awake")), s3; // Empty CAtlString objects
s1= _T("The ") + s1;
s3= s1 + _T('i');
s3= s3 + _T('s');
s3= s3 + s2;
ASSERT(s3 == _T("The dog is awake"));
Concatenates characters to the end of the string.
CStringT& operator+=(const CThisSimpleString& str);
template<bool bMFCDLL>
CStringT& operator+=(const const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& str);
template<int t_nSize>
CStringT& operator+=(const CStaticString<XCHAR, t_nSize>& strSrc);
CStringT& operator+=(PCXSTR pszSrc);
CStringT& operator+=(PCYSTR pszSrc);
CStringT& operator+=(char ch);
CStringT& operator+=(unsigned char ch);
CStringT& operator+=(wchar_t ch);
CStringT& operator+=(const VARIANT& var);
A reference to a CThisSimpleString
A boolean specifying whether the project is an MFC DLL or not.
The string base type.
A variant object to concatenate to this string.
An ANSI or Unicode character to concatenate with a string.
A pointer to the original string being concatenated.
A CStringT
to concatenate to this string.
The operator accepts another CStringT
object, a character pointer, or a single character. Memory exceptions can occur whenever you use this concatenation operator because new storage can be allocated for characters added to this CStringT
For information on CThisSimpleString
, see the Remarks section of CStringT::CStringT
Although it is possible to create CStringT
instances that contain embedded null characters, we recommend against it. Calling methods and operators on CStringT
objects that contain embedded null characters can produce unintended results.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abc"));
ASSERT((s += _T("def")) == _T("abcdef"));
Determines whether two strings are logically equal.
friend bool operator==(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator==(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator==(const CStringT& str1, PCYSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator==(const CStringT& str1, XCHAR ch2) throw();
friend bool operator==(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator==(PCYSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator==(XCHAR ch1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
An ANSI or Unicode character for comparison.
An ANSI or Unicode character for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
Tests whether a string or character on the left side is equal to a string or character on the right side, and returns TRUE
// typedef CStringT< TCHAR, StrTraitATL< TCHAR > > CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("dog")), s2(_T("f")), s3(_T("dog"));
ASSERT(s1 == _T("dog"));
ASSERT(s2 == _T('f'));
ASSERT(s1 == s3);
Determines whether two strings are logically not equal.
friend bool operator!=(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(const CStringT& str1, PCYSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(const CStringT& str1, XCHAR ch2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(PCYSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator!=(XCHAR ch1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
An ANSI or Unicode character to concatenate with a string.
An ANSI or Unicode character to concatenate with a string.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
Tests if a string or character on the left side isn't equal to a string or character on the right side.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("cat")), s2(_T("f")), s3(_T("horse"));
ASSERT(s1 != _T("dog"));
ASSERT(s2 != _T('t'));
ASSERT(s1 != s2);
Determines whether the string on the left side of the operator is less than the string on the right side.
friend bool operator<(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator<(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator<(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A lexicographical comparison between strings, character by character until:
It finds two corresponding characters unequal, and the result of their comparison is taken as the result of the comparison between the strings.
It finds no inequalities, but one string has more characters than the other, and the shorter string is considered less than the longer string.
It finds no inequalities and finds that the strings have the same number of characters, and so the strings are equal.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("cat")), s2(_T("cats")), s3(_T("dogs"));
ASSERT(s1 < _T("dog"));
ASSERT(s1 < _T("cats"));
ASSERT(s2 < _T("cats and dogs"));
ASSERT(s2 < s3);
Determines whether the string on the left side of the operator is greater than the string on the right side.
friend bool operator>(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator>(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator>(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A lexicographical comparison between strings, character by character until:
It finds two corresponding characters unequal, and the result of their comparison is taken as the result of the comparison between the strings.
It finds no inequalities, but one string has more characters than the other, and the shorter string is considered less than the longer string.
It finds no inequalities and finds that the strings have the same number of characters, so the strings are equal.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("cat")), s2(_T("cats")), s3(_T("dogs"));
ASSERT(_T("dog") > s1);
ASSERT(_T("cats") > s1);
ASSERT(_T("cats and dogs") > s2);
ASSERT(s3 > s2);
Determines whether the string on the left side of the operator is less than or equal to the string on the right side.
friend bool operator<=(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator<=(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator<=(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A pointer to a null-terminated string for comparison.
A lexicographical comparison between strings, character by character until:
It finds two corresponding characters unequal, and the result of their comparison is taken as the result of the comparison between the strings.
It finds no inequalities, but one string has more characters than the other, and the shorter string is considered less than the longer string.
It finds no inequalities and finds that the strings have the same number of characters, so the strings are equal.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("cat")), s2(_T("cats")), s3(_T("dogs"));
ASSERT(s1 <= _T("dog"));
ASSERT(s1 <= _T("cat"));
ASSERT(s3 <= _T("dogs and cats"));
ASSERT(s2 <= s3);
Determines whether the string on the left side of the operator is greater than or equal to the string on the right side.
friend bool operator>=(const CStringT& str1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
friend bool operator>=(const CStringT& str1, PCXSTR psz2) throw();
friend bool operator>=(PCXSTR psz1, const CStringT& str2) throw();
A CStringT
for comparison.
A CStringT
for comparison.
A pointer to a string for comparison.
A pointer to a string for comparison.
A lexicographical comparison between strings, character by character until:
It finds two corresponding characters unequal, and the result of their comparison is taken as the result of the comparison between the strings.
It finds no inequalities, but one string has more characters than the other, and the shorter string is considered less than the longer string.
It finds no inequalities and finds that the strings have the same number of characters, so the strings are equal.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s1(_T("cat")), s2(_T("cats")), s3(_T("dogs"));
ASSERT(_T("dog") >= s1);
ASSERT(_T("cats and dogs") >= s2);
ASSERT(s3 >= s2);
Removes all instances of the specified character from the string.
int Remove(XCHAR chRemove);
The character to be removed from a string.
The count of characters removed from the string. Zero if the string isn't changed.
Comparisons for the character are case-sensitive.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("This is a test."));
int n = str.Remove(_T('t'));
ASSERT(n == 2);
ASSERT(str == _T("This is a es."));
There are two versions of Replace
. The first version replaces one or more copies of a substring by using another substring. Both substrings are null-terminated. The second version replaces one or more copies of a character by using another character. Both versions operate on the character data stored in CStringT
int Replace(PCXSTR pszOld, PCXSTR pszNew);
int Replace(XCHAR chOld, XCHAR chNew);
A pointer to a null-terminated string to be replaced by pszNew
A pointer to a null-terminated string that replaces pszOld
The character to be replaced by chNew
The character replacing chOld
Returns the number of replaced instances of the character or substring, or zero if the string isn't changed.
can change the string length because pszNew
and pszOld
don't have to be the same length, and several copies of the old substring can be changed to the new one. The function does a case-sensitive match.
Examples of CStringT
instances are CString
, CStringA
, and CStringW
For CStringA
, Replace
works with ANSI or multibyte (MBCS) characters. For CStringW
, Replace
works with wide characters.
For CString
, the character data type is selected at compile time, based on whether the constants in the following table are defined.
Defined Constant | Character Data Type |
Wide characters |
Multi-byte characters |
Neither | Single-byte characters |
Both | Undefined |
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString strBang(_T("Everybody likes epee fencing"));
int n = strBang.Replace(_T("epee"), _T("foil"));
ASSERT(n == 1);
Searches this CStringT
object for the last match of a character.
int ReverseFind(XCHAR ch) const throw();
The character to search for.
The zero-based index of the last character in this CStringT
object that matches the requested character, or -1 if the character isn't found.
The function is similar to the run-time function strrchr
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcabc"));
ASSERT(s.ReverseFind(_T('b')) == 4);
Extracts the last (that is, rightmost) nCount
characters from this CStringT
object and returns a copy of the extracted substring.
CStringT Right(int nCount) const;
The number of characters to extract from this CStringT
A CStringT
object that contains a copy of the specified range of characters. The returned CStringT
object can be empty.
If nCount
exceeds the string length, then the entire string is extracted. Right
is similar to the Basic Right
function (except that indexes in Basic are zero-based).
For multibyte character sets (MBCS
), nCount
refers to each 8-bit character; that is, a lead and trail byte in one multibyte character are counted as two characters.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString s(_T("abcdef"));
ASSERT(s.Right(2) == _T("ef"));
Reallocates the BSTR
pointed to by pbstr
and copies the contents of the CStringT
object into it, including the NULL
BSTR SetSysString(BSTR* pbstr) const;
A pointer to a character string.
The new string.
Depending on the contents of the CStringT
object, the value of the BSTR
referenced by pbstr
can change. The function throws a CMemoryException
if insufficient memory exists.
This function is normally used to change the value of strings passed by reference for Automation.
BSTR bstr = ::SysAllocString(L"Golf is fun!");
// create a CAtlString and change the OLE
// string to the contents of the BSTR
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("Soccer is best!"));
BSTR bstr2 = str.SetSysString(&bstr);
// Now, both bstr and bstr2 reference a single instance of
// the "Soccer" string. The "Golf" string has been freed.
ASSERT(bstr2 == bstr);
Extracts characters from the string, starting with the first character, that aren't in the set of characters identified by pszCharSet
CStringT SpanExcluding(PCXSTR pszCharSet) const;
A string interpreted as a set of characters.
A substring that contains characters in the string that aren't in pszCharSet
, beginning with the first character in the string and ending with the first character found in the string that is also in pszCharSet
(that is, starting with the first character in the string and up to but excluding the first character in the string that is found pszCharSet
). It returns the entire string if no character in pszCharSet
is found in the string.
extracts and returns all characters preceding the first occurrence of a character from pszCharSet
(in other words, the character from pszCharSet
and all characters following it in the string, aren't returned). If no character from pszCharSet
is found in the string, then SpanExcluding
returns the entire string.
// The string can be delimited by a semicolon(;),
// a comma(,), a period(.), a dash(-),
// or an apostrophe(').
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString src(_T("abcdef"));
Extracts characters from the string, starting with the first character, that are in the set of characters identified by pszCharSet
CStringT SpanIncluding(PCXSTR pszCharSet) const;
A string interpreted as a set of characters.
A substring that contains characters in the string that are in pszCharSet
, beginning with the first character in the string and ending when a character is found in the string that isn't in pszCharSet
. SpanIncluding
returns an empty substring if the first character in the string isn't in the specified set.
If the first character of the string isn't in the character set, then SpanIncluding
returns an empty string. Otherwise, it returns a sequence of consecutive characters that are in the set.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("cabbage"));
CAtlString res = str.SpanIncluding(_T("abc"));
ASSERT(res == _T("cabba"));
res = str.SpanIncluding(_T("xyz"));
Finds the next token in a target string
CStringT Tokenize(PCXSTR pszTokens, int& iStart) const;
A string containing token delimiters. The order of these delimiters isn't important.
The zero-based index to begin the search.
A CStringT
object containing the current token value.
The Tokenize
function finds the next token in the target string. The set of characters in pszTokens
specifies possible delimiters of the token to be found. On each call to Tokenize
the function starts at iStart
, skips leading delimiters, and returns a CStringT
object containing the current token, which is the string of characters up to the next delimiter character. The value of iStart
is updated to be the position following the ending delimiter character, or -1 if the end of the string was reached. More tokens can be broken out of the rest of the target string by a series of calls to Tokenize
, using iStart
to keep track of where in the string the next token is to be read. When there are no more tokens, the function will return an empty string and iStart
will be set to -1.
Unlike the CRT tokenize functions like strtok_s
, _strtok_s_l
, wcstok_s
, _wcstok_s_l
, _mbstok_s
, _mbstok_s_l
, Tokenize
doesn't modify the target string.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str(_T("%First Second#Third"));
CAtlString resToken;
int curPos = 0;
resToken= str.Tokenize(_T("% #"),curPos);
while (resToken != _T(""))
_tprintf_s(_T("Resulting token: %s\n"), resToken);
resToken = str.Tokenize(_T("% #"), curPos);
The output from this example is as follows:
Resulting Token: First
Resulting Token: Second
Resulting Token: Third
Trims leading and trailing characters from the string.
CStringT& Trim(XCHAR chTarget);
CStringT& Trim(PCXSTR pszTargets);
CStringT& Trim();
The target character to be trimmed.
A pointer to a string containing the target characters to be trimmed. All leading and trailing occurrences of characters in pszTargets
will be trimmed from the CStringT
Returns the trimmed string.
Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of one of the following:
The character specified by
.All characters found in the string specified by
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str;
str = _T("******Soccer is best!?!?!?!?!");
_tprintf_s(_T("Before: \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
_tprintf_s(_T("After : \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str.Trim(_T("?!*")));
// Output:
// --------------------------
// Before: ******Soccer is best!?!?!?!?!
// After: Soccer is best
The output from this example is as follows:
Before: "******Soccer is best, but liquor is quicker!!!!!"
After : "Soccer is best, but liquor is quicker"
Trims leading characters from the string.
CStringT& TrimLeft(XCHAR chTarget);
CStringT& TrimLeft(PCXSTR pszTargets);
CStringT& TrimLeft();
The target character to be trimmed.
A pointer to a string containing the target characters to be trimmed. All leading occurrences of characters in pszTargets
will be trimmed from the CStringT
The resulting trimmed string.
Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of one of the following:
The character specified by
.All characters found in the string specified by
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str;
str = _T("\t\t ****Soccer is best!");
_tprintf_s(_T("Before: \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
_tprintf_s(_T("After: \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str.TrimLeft(_T("\t *")));
// Output:
// --------------------------
// Before: ****Soccer is best!
// After: Soccer is best!
Trims trailing characters from the string.
CStringT& TrimRight(XCHAR chTarget);
CStringT& TrimRight(PCXSTR pszTargets);
CStringT& TrimRight();
The target character to be trimmed.
A pointer to a string containing the target characters to be trimmed. All trailing occurrences of characters in pszTargets
will be trimmed from the CStringT
Returns the CStringT
object that contains the trimmed string.
Removes trailing occurrences of one of the following:
The character specified by
.All characters found in the string specified by
The CStringT& TrimRight(XCHAR chTarget)
version accepts one character parameter and removes all copies of that character from the end of CStringT
string data. It starts from the end of the string and works toward the front. It stops when it finds a different character or when CStringT
runs out of character data.
The CStringT& TrimRight(PCXSTR pszTargets)
version accepts a null-terminated string that contains all the different characters to search for. It removes all copies of those characters in the CStringT
object. It starts at the end of the string and works toward the front. It stops when it finds a character that isn't in the target string, or when CStringT
runs out of character data. It doesn't try to match the whole target string to a substring at the end of CStringT
The CStringT& TrimRight()
version requires no parameters. It trims any trailing whitespace characters from the end of the CStringT
string. Whitespace characters can be line breaks, spaces, or tabs.
// typedef CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitATL<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR>>> CAtlString;
CAtlString str;
str = _T("Soccer is best!?!?!?!?!");
_tprintf_s(_T("Before: \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
_tprintf_s(_T("After : \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)str.TrimRight(_T("?!")));
// Output:
// --------------------------
// Before: Soccer is best!?!?!?!?!
// After: Soccer is best