Office Business Application Architect Forum: le registrazioni dell’evento

Ogni giorno sono le persone a portare avanti le attività e i processi fondamentali per il corretto funzionamento e per il successo delle aziende. Si scrivono documenti, si spediscono mail, si prendono decisioni analizzando i dati che sono nelle applicazioni di back-end. Le necessità d'integrazione tra le piattaforme di collaborazione e le applicazioni aziendali diventano sempre più evidenti e possono trasformarsi in un vero e proprio fattore differenziante per il successo. Durante questa conferenza di una giornata abbiamo esplorato il nuovo paradigma di sviluppo delle Office Business Applications (OBA) partendo da concetti architetturali come Service-Orientation e Composite Applications al fine di creare un sistema integrato tra persone, processi e tecnologie.

L’evento si è svolto a Milano, il 24 gennaio 2008

Il materiale dell’evento
Argomento Registrazioni
Keynote: The Office Platform Value Proposition
Understand how your processes can become People-Ready and bridge your line of business applications to superior Office user experiences. See how Office can be a key component in your SOA and more importantly leverage the fundamental shift to combining software with services.
  • Office as a platform
  • OBA Overview
High Level Architectural Elements of the Office Technical Platform
Learn about the architectural elements of the Office Technical Platform. Discover how these elements can be applied for Contextual Document Management, On-Demand Business Intelligence, Ad-Hoc People Collaboration and Visible Business Processes. Reinforce your understanding through architectural case studies.
  • Office Platform Components
  • Developing an OBA (Part 1)
  • Developing an OBA (Part 2)

Lap around the Architectural Elements of the Office Technical Platform

  • The Technical Presentation Tier
  • Start by building applications using Office 2007 Client Architecture (Task Panes, Ribbons, etc.) and then put together composite portal applications which take advantage of hosted applications and services (Excel and InfoPath Forms).
  • The Productivity Tier
  • Organize information with document libraries, forms libraries and lists. Manage information and performance with KPIs, Metrics, Reports, and Dashboards (Performance Point).
  • The Application Tier
  • Architect a reusable service oriented Application Tier. Implement your business process through human workflows and Process Orchestrations. Unify your business through a Business Data Catalog. Then share Spreadsheets in the Server.
  • Additional Services
  • Search for business data using Enterprise Search. Ensure integrity by architecting for Security. Take SharePoint sites beyond the Intranet (extranet, internet sites). Provide for flexible workgroup collaboration with Groove.
  • Deployment of an OBA
  • OOXML Format Part 1
  • OOXML Format Part 2
Detailed End-to-End Vertical Solution Scenarios
Learn about the reference application packs for Loan Origination and Supply Chain Management Scenarios.
  • OBA Reference Application Pack