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Serializes the change batch to an array of bytes.

HRESULT Serialize(
  BYTE * pbChangeBatch,
  DWORD * pcbChangeBatch);


  • pbChangeBatch
    [in, out, unique, size_is(*pcbChangeBatch)] The byte array that receives the change batch data.
  • pcbChangeBatch
    [in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pbChangeBatch. Returns the number of bytes required for pbChangeBatch when pbChangeBatch is too small, or the number of bytes written to pbChangeBatch when data is written.

Return Value

  • S_OK



  • HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pbChangeBatch is too small. In this case, the required number of bytes is stored in pcbChangeBatch.

  • SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when the last group added to the batch was not ended.

See Also


ISyncChangeBatchBase Interface