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QUEUEMARKEREVENT Function [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Causes the application to fire a marker event to your add-on, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, or COM add-in.

QUEUEMARKEREVENT (event_string )

event_string The string to pass to your event handler.


The QUEUEMARKEREVENT function provides developers with a way to notify their code from a ShapeSheet cell, and pass solution-specific information. When the cell containing the formula with the QUEUEMARKEREVENT function is evaluated, the application fires a marker event and passes event_string to all event handlers that are listening to the MarkerEvent event.

For more information about marker events, see the QueueMarkerEvent method and MarkerEvent event in the Microsoft Office Visio Automation Reference.


QUEUEMARKEREVENT ("MyCustomNotification")

Causes the application to fire a marker event, and passes the string "MyCustomNotification" to event handlers that are listening to the MarkerEvent event.