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MailMerge.ShowWizardEx Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Displays the specified catalog or mail merge wizard in a document.


expression.ShowWizardEx(ShowDocumentStep, ShowTemplateStep, ShowDataStep, ShowWriteStep, ShowPreviewStep, ShowMergeStep,MergeType,iStep)

expression   A variable that represents a MailMerge object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
ShowDocumentStep Optional Boolean Not used in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In previous versions, True (the default) displayed the "Select a merge type" step. False removed the step.
ShowTemplateStep Optional Boolean This parameter does not apply to Microsoft Office Publisher.
ShowDataStep Optional Boolean Not used in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In previous versions, True (the default) displayed the "Select data source" step. False removed the step.
ShowWriteStep Optional Boolean Not used in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In previous versions, True (the default) displayed the "Create your publication" step. False removed the step.
ShowPreviewStep Optional Boolean Not used in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In previous versions, True (the default) displayed the "Preview your publication" step. False removed the step.
ShowMergeStep Optional Boolean Not used in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In previous versions, True (the default) displayed the "Complete the merge" step. False removed the step.
MergeType Optional PbMergeType The merge type to use. See Remarks for possible values.
iStep Optional Long The initial step. See Remarks for information about default values.


The MergeType parameter can be one of the PbMergeType constants declared in the Microsoft Office Publisher type library. The default is pbMergeDefault.

Passing pbMergeDefault for MergeType starts a new mail merge; if the publication is already a merge, it leaves the merge type unchanged.

Passing a merge type that is different from the current publication’s merge type changes the publication to that new type of merge, but disconnects the data source. Doing so results in the loss of previously inserted fields when the change is to or from a catalog merge type.

Wizard steps correspond to the sequence of merge task panes in the user interface. If no data source is connected, the merge wizard always starts on the first step (the first task pane). If a data source is connected, the wizard starts on Step 2 by default, unless you use the iStep parameter to specify starting with Step 1 or Step 3.


This example checks whether the Mail Merge Wizard is closed, and if it is, displays it.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub ShowWizardEx_Example()
    With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
        If .WizardState = 0 Then
        End If
    End With
End Sub