System Requirements for Visual Studio .NET 2002
Requirements vary for different combinations of components within Visual Studio .NET. Review the table below to determine the minimum system requirements for installing Visual Studio .NET, which includes one version of the MSDN Library.
Minimum Requirements |
Processor | Personal computer (PC) with a Pentium II-class processor, 450 megahertz (MHz) |
Operating System |
(Note: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition and Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server are not supported) |
Memory |
Hard Disk |
Drive | CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive |
Display | Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors |
Mouse | Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device |
* Limited functionality. Visual Studio .NET does not support creating ASP.NET Web applications or ASP.NET XML Web services when using Windows XP Home Edition.