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HTML Formatting Options

Visual Studio 2005 lets you control the way your source code appears. You can specify validation formatting options such as what server and client tags should look like, casing, closing tags, attribute quotes, and where the line breaks should go. Your preferences become the default for HTML markup and ASP.NET server control code that is generated automatically by the visual designer. You can also apply your preferences to override existing code formatting. HTML format settings can even be exported and imported to enable markup style standardization across several developers on a team. Formatting changes imposed according to your settings will only affect the white space and layout of the source code, it will never alter the way the page is rendered in the browser. To access these formatting options, right-click the code you want to format and select Format Validation from the context menu.

Collapsible Tag Outlining is just one of the new source code editing improvements you will enjoy in Visual Studio 2005