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Visual Basic Reference

Examine in-depth technical information included in this section and learn how to build applications using Microsoft Visual Basic 2005.

Visual Basic Documentation

Product Documentation
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 is an evolution of the Visual Basic language that continues the tradition of giving you a fast and easy way to create .NET Framework-based applications. Learn of the new features that allow developers to target Windows, Web, and mobile devices in the Visual Basic 2005 product documentation.
Language Reference
See this section for the reference information for various aspects of the Visual Basic language, including keywords, runtime library members, directives, and modules.

Additional Topics

Visual Basic
The Visual Basic language evolves with each successive version. Discover some of the changes in Visual Basic 2005 with the content found in this section.
Data and Data Access
Visual Basic 2005 applications can connect to a variety of data sources. Information in this section covers the new data access objects including the DataSet and DataAdapter classes.
A key part of the life cycle of any application is its deployment. Here you will find the information you need on distributing your applications.
Interoperability and Win32
.NET applications sometimes need to connect to unmanaged code. This section includes links to resources to help you connect your Visual Basic 2005 code to the unmanaged component(s) that you need to use.
Thinking about migrating to Visual Basic 2005? Use the information in this section to help you make the right choices on when and how to migrate your applications.
My Namespace
The My Namespace is one of the significant enhancements to Microsoft Visual Basic 2005. Use the information in this section to see how you can use and extend this powerful resource when building your own applications.
Performance and Diagnostics
Find the information you need on logging, tracing, profiling, and other diagnostic techniques for analyzing and monitoring your .NET applications.
Windows Forms Development
Visual Basic 2005 is the most productive language to rapidly develop Windows Forms or Smart Client applications. Find the information in this section that you will need to start building your Windows Forms applications.
Web Development
Want to develop Web-based or ASP.NET applications? Use the information in this section to leverage your skills to develop rich applications for the Web.
Mobile Development
Need to create mobile applications for cell phones, PDAs, or other mobile devices? Find the information you need here to develop your mobile applications.
Office Development
Develop applications for Office, the world's standard in desktop productivity software, using Visual Basic 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office.