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The Base Class Library Group 1 samples show how to use the classes in the namespaces System.Net, System.Text.RegularExpressions, System.Transaction, System.Console, and more. Samples include:
Changing ACL (Access Control Lists) on files
Console Enhancements including buffer control, simple animations and colors
Downloading files using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Network Programming including PING, UDP, and TCP network statistics
Using the new Stopwatch class to measure time
Compressing and decompressing files in the GZip format
The Base Class Library Group 2 samples show how to use the new classes and methods in the namespaces System.Net.Cache, System.Runtime.InteropServices, System.Net.Sockets.Socket, and more. Samples include:
Building a tracing infrastructure to track errors and application performance
Controlling cache policies with the new System.Net.Cache namespace
Creating a process viewer
Creating a Windows service manager
Using the data protection API
Encrypting and decrypting data
Using platform invoke to access legacy or unmanaged code from within managed code
Building in support for localization
Using the NGEN utility
Using the new SecureString class
Using new socket class methods
Using serial ports with the new Port class
Working with the file system
Working with threads to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
The Data Access samples show how to use the classes in the System.Data and related namespaces. In addition, how to use the new features of SQL Server 2005. Samples include:
Asynchronous Queries
Attaching a database with your application
Creating and using User Defined Types with SQL Server 2005
DataReader vs. DataSet comparision
DataSet and DataTable Enhancements
Performing Batch Updates and Data Paging
Performing Bulk Updates
Reading and Writing Images from a Database
Using Factory Classes
Using Managed Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions with SQL Server 2005
Using Multiple Active Result Sets with SQL Server 2005
The Tablet PC samples show how to create ink-enabled applications that utilize the power handwritten input with Tablet and Ultra Mobile Personal Computers. Samples include:
The Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) samples show how to add functionality to Office applications like Word, Excel, InfoPath, and Outlook using the .NET Framework and C# or Visual Basic. Samples include: