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CoordinateMapper Class

Represents the mapper that provides translation services from one type of point to another.


public ref class CoordinateMapper sealed
public sealed class CoordinateMapper
var coordinateMapper = WindowsPreview.Kinect.CoordinateMapper;


CoordinateMapper has the following members.


Name Description
GetDepthCameraIntrinsics Returns the calibration data for the depth camera.
GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable Gets the depth frame to camera space look-up table.
MapCameraPointsToColorSpace Produces an array of color space points from an array of camera points.
MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace Maps points at a specified memory location from camera space to depth space.
MapCameraPointToColorSpace Maps a point from camera space to color space.
MapCameraPointToDepthSpace Maps a point from camera space to depth space.
MapColorFrameToCameraSpace Maps a frame from color space to camera space.
MapColorFrameToCameraSpaceUsingIBuffer Maps a frame from color space to camera space.
MapColorFrameToDepthSpace Maps a frame from color space to depth space.
MapColorFrameToDepthSpaceUsingIBuffer Maps a frame from color space to depth space.
MapDepthFrameToCameraSpace Maps a frame from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthFrameToCameraSpaceUsingIBuffer Maps a frame from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthFrameToColorSpace Maps a frame from depth space to color space.
MapDepthFrameToColorSpaceUsingIBuffer Maps a frame from depth space to color space.
MapDepthPointsToCameraSpace Produces an array of camera space points from an array of depth points.
MapDepthPointsToColorSpace Produces an array of color space points from an array of depth points.
MapDepthPointToCameraSpace Maps a point/depth from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthPointToColorSpace Maps a point/depth from depth space to color space.


Name Description
CoordinateMappingChanged Event that is raised when any of the mappings between camera, color, and depth space change.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace