Sprite.Draw2D Method ()

How Do I...?

  • Draw A Sprite

Adds a sprite to the list of batched sprites. Used for presentation in 2-D space.

Overload List

public void Draw2D(Texture, Point, float, Point, Color);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Point, float, Point, int);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Color);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, int);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, float, Point, Color);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, float, Point, int);
public void Draw2D(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, float, Point, int);

How Do I...?

Draw A Sprite

This example demonstrates how to draw a sprite.

To draw a sprite:

  1. Call Sprite.Begin to prepare the device for drawing sprites.
  2. Call Sprite.Draw2D to render the sprite.
  3. Call Sprite.End to signal the end of this batch of sprites.

In the following C# code example, sprite is assumed to be the rendered Sprite object. The texture variable is a loaded Texture object.


sprite.Draw2D(texture, Rectangle.Empty, Rectangle.Empty,
              new Point(5.0f, 5.0f), Color.White);

See Also