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SkinMesh.FromX(XFileData,MeshFlags,Device,GraphicsStream,ExtendedMaterial) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Loads skin information and mesh data from a Microsoft Direct3D .x file data object.


Visual Basic Public Shared Function FromX( _
    ByVal xofObjMesh As XFileData, _
    ByVal options As MeshFlags, _
    ByVal device As Device, _
    ByRef adjacency As GraphicsStream, _
    ByRef materials As ExtendedMaterial _
) As SkinMesh
C# public static SkinMesh FromX(
    XFileData xofObjMesh,
    MeshFlags options,
    Device device,
    out GraphicsStream adjacency,
    out ExtendedMaterial materials
C++ public:
static SkinMesh FromX(
    MeshFlags options,
    [Out] GraphicsStream^% adjacency,
    [Out] ExtendedMaterialmaterials
JScript public static function FromX(
    xofObjMesh : XFileData,
    options : MeshFlags,
    device : Device,
    adjacency : GraphicsStream,
    materials : ExtendedMaterial
) : SkinMesh;


xofObjMesh Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.XFileData
An XFileData object that represents the Microsoft DirectX file data object to load.
options Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.MeshFlags
A MeshFlags enumeration that specifies creation options for the mesh.
device Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device
A Device object associated with the mesh.
adjacency Microsoft.DirectX.GraphicsStream
A GraphicsStream object representing an array of three Int32Leave Site values per face that specify the three neighbors for each face in the mesh.
materials Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ExtendedMaterial[]
Array of ExtendedMaterial objects loaded from the .x file data object.

Return Value

A SkinMesh structure that contains the skin and mesh data from the .x file object.




The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.


The data is invalid.

OutOfMemoryExceptionLeave Site

Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.