64-Bit .NET Framework Code Samples

Download these code samples to learn more about developing 64-bit .NET Framework applications.

Hands On Lab 501

This step-by-step hands on lab demonstrates how to develop 64-bit .NET Framework applications using Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey). The lab includes exercises that reflect typical application migration scenarios:

  • Migrating a 32-bit managed Windows Forms application written in C#
    • Migrating a 32-bit managed application w/a dependency on a native C++ DLL
      • Migrating a 32-bit managed application w/a dependency on a native DLL using unsafe code
        • Migrating a 32-bit managed application w/a dependency on a COM component
Hands On Lab 503

This step-by-step hands on lab demonstrates how to develop 64-bit C++ applications using Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey) . The lab includes excercises that illustrate data type changes to the Win32 API and investigates floating-point and memory performance considerations.