Programming Information
Explore in-depth technical information and get started building the next generation of applications and Web services using the .NET Framework.
.NET Framework Fundamentals This section provides a set of resources to help you to understand the key concepts the .NET Framework is based on and learn how those concepts change the way in which you develop applications. |
.NET Framework V2.0 Obsolete API List These lists identify all of the APIs which are obsolete in the .NET Framework V2.0. These lists are meant to serve as a simple reference for obsoleted members and types. |
Breaking Changes in .NET Framework 2.0 Breaking changes are changes in either the .NET Framework (runtime breaking changes) or Visual Studio (design/compile/project upgrade) that make certain application and development scenarios behave differently from the version 1.0 and 1.1 .NET Frameworks to the 2.0 version. Look up the class libraries you're using to determine whether any such changes will affect your application. |
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) The links in this section will help you understand the fundamental concepts of programming in the Common Language Runtime (CLR) environment. |
Base Class Libraries Community The links in this section will help you understand the fundamental concepts of programming the .NET Framework base class libraries. |
Interoperability How does a .NET application connect to unmanaged code, including COM libraries, ActiveX controls, and native (Win32) DLLs? This section includes links to resources to help you connect your .NET code to the unmanaged component(s) that you need to use. |
Networking & Remoting The links in this section contain resources for developers interested in understanding the networking and remoting services available in the .NET Framework. |
Performance This section includes information on logging, tracing, profiling, and other diagnostic techniques for analyzing and monitoring your .NET applications. |
Security Please visit the Security Developer Center to find information on building secure applications with the .NET Framework. |
Building Web Applications Please visit the ASP.NET Developer Center to find information on building Web applications with the .NET Framework. |
Building Web Services Please visit the Web Services Developer Center to find information on building Web services with the .NET Framework. |
Building Mobile Applications Please visit the Mobility Developer Center to find information on building mobile applications with the .NET Framework. |
Building Tools Find information on building tools (e.g. code generators, debuggers, etc.). |
Building Component Libraries Get the resources you need for building components and class libraries. |
Deploying & Configuring Applications Get the information you need for distributing your applications using the .NET Framework. |
.NET Compact Framework This section of the MSDN Smart Client Developer Center contains links to articles and product information focused on creating Smart Client applications using the .NET Compact Framework. |
64-Bit .NET Framework The 64-bit version of the .NET Framework 2.0 enables the .NET Framework platform, tools and applications to run on 64-bit workstations and servers which provide increased performance and scalability. |