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FeatureIds members

Provides a set of read-only properties that uniquely identify specific SharePoint Features.

The FeatureIds type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AssetLibrary Represents the ID that specifies an AssetLibrary feature.
Public fieldStatic member ContentDeploymentSource Represents the ID that specifies a ContentDeploymentSource feature.
Public fieldStatic member CrossSitePublishing Represents an ID that represents the CrossSitePublishing feature.
Public fieldStatic member Deployment Represents the ID that specifies a Deployment feature.
Public fieldStatic member EnhancedHtmlEditing Represents the ID that specifies an EnhancedHtmlEditing feature.
Public fieldStatic member EnhancedTheming Represents the ID that specifies the Enhanced Theming feature.
Public fieldStatic member Holds Represents the ID that specifies the Holds feature.
Public fieldStatic member HtmlDesign Represents the ID that specifies the HtmlDesign feature.
Public fieldStatic member LeftNavigation Represents the ID that specifies a LeftNavigation feature.
Public fieldStatic member MediaWebPart Represents an ID that specifies a MediaWebPart.
Public fieldStatic member MetadataNavigationAndFiltering Represents an ID that specifies the MetadataNavigationAndFiltering feature.
Public fieldStatic member Navigation Represents the ID that specifies a Navigation feature.
Public fieldStatic member NavigationProperties Represents the ID that specifies a NavigationProperties feature.
Public fieldStatic member OfficePublishingSite Represents the ID that specifies an OfficePublishingSite feature.
Public fieldStatic member OfficePublishingWeb Represents the ID that specifies an OfficePublishingWeb feature.
Public fieldStatic member OfficeServerBaseSite Represents the ID that specifies the OfficeServerBaseSite.
Public fieldStatic member OfficeServerBaseWeb Represents the ID that specifies the OfficeServerBaseWeb.
Public fieldStatic member ProductCatalogResources Represents an ID that specifies the ProductCatalogResources.
Public fieldStatic member Publishing Represents the ID that specifies a Publishing feature.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingB2TRHop2SiteFilesUpgrade Represents the ID that specifies a PublishingB2TRHop2SiteFilesUpgrade feature.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingB2TRSiteFilesUpgrade Represents the ID that specifies a PublishingB2TRSiteFilesUpgrade feature.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingLayouts Represents the ID that specifies a PublishingLayouts feature.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingMobile Represents an ID that specifies the PublishingMobile feature.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingPrerequisites Represents the ID that specifies PublishingPrerequisites.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingResources Represents the ID that specifies PublishingResources.
Public fieldStatic member PublishingTimerJobs Represents the ID that specifies PublishingTimerJobs.
Public fieldStatic member RollupPages Represents an ID that specifies RollupPages.
Public fieldStatic member Routing Represents the ID that specifies Routing.
Public fieldStatic member RoutingResources Represents an ID that specifies RoutingResources.
Public fieldStatic member SearchDrivenContent Represents an ID that specifies SearchDrivenContent.
Public fieldStatic member SearchEngineOptimization Represents an ID that specifies SearchEngineOptimization.
Public fieldStatic member SearchTaxonomyRefinementWebParts Represents an ID that specifies the SearchTaxonomyRefinementWebParts feature.
Public fieldStatic member SearchTaxonomyRefinementWebPartsHtml Represents an ID that specifies the SearchTaxonomyRefinementWebPartsHtml.
Public fieldStatic member SiteServicesAddins Represents an ID that specifies the SiteServicesAddins.
Public fieldStatic member SmallBusinessWebsite Represents the feature ID for the SmallBusinessWebsite feature.
Public fieldStatic member SpellChecking Represents the ID that specifies a SpellChecking feature.
Public fieldStatic member TenantAdminDeploymentLinks Represents the ID that specifies TenantAdminDeploymentLinks.
Public fieldStatic member V2VPublishedLinks The feature ID for V2VPublishedLinks.
Public fieldStatic member VideoAndRichMedia The feature ID for VideoAndRichMedia.
Public fieldStatic member ViewFormPagesLockDown Represents the ID that specifies a ViewFormPagesLockDown feature.
Public fieldStatic member XmlSitemap The feature ID for XmlSitemap.


See also


FeatureIds class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing namespace