What's New in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

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Windows SharePoint Services continues to provide the solution platform for the next version of Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 takes full advantage of Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 and the core Microsoft .NET 2.0 runtime. Components such as the Web Part Framework and Web Virtualization are now provided by the .NET runtime rather than by Windows SharePoint Services. This change allows Windows SharePoint Services to focus on providing SharePoint services rather than .NET services.

The new features and added programmability support in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 provide a wealth of development opportunities. The topics in this section provide a quick overview of new features and enhancements, ranging from content types and new list abilities to workflows.

In This Section

Object Model Enhancements

Site Definitions and Provisioning: the Feature Framework

Content Type Settings and Site Columns


Extensible Field Types


Change Log

Information Rights Management

Document Property Promotion and Demotion

Content Import/Export

Page Model and User Interface