Exception Hierarchy

The following table lists the classes derived from System.Exception .

Derived Classes

Class Description
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.InternalLoggerException This exception is used to wrap an unhandled exception from a logger.
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.InvalidProjectFileException This exception is thrown whenever there is a problem with the user's XML project file. The problem might be semantic or syntactical. If the problem is in the syntax, it can typically be caught by XSD validation.
Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException Allows a logger to force the build to stop in an explicit way.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.CantStartSingleInstanceException This exception is thrown when a subsequent instance of a single-instance application is unable to connect to the first application instance.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.NoStartupFormException This exception is thrown by the Visual Basic Application Model when the MainForm property has not been set.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassContainingClassNotOptional Raises an Exception if the ContainingClass value is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassCouldNotFindEvent Raises an Exception for a missing event parameter in a WebClass.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassNextItemCannotBeCurrentWebItem Raises an Exception in a WebClass.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassNextItemRespondNotFound Raises an Exception in a WebClass.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassUserWebClassNameNotOptional Raises an Exception if the UserWebClassName value is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassWebClassFileNameNotOptional Raises an Exception if the WebClassFileName value is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebClassWebItemNotValid Raises an Exception if the WebItem value is not valid.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemAssociatedWebClassNotOptional Raises an Exception if the AssociatedWebClass value for a WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemClosingTagNotFound Raises an Exception if the closing tag for a template associated witha WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemCouldNotLoadEmbeddedResource Raises an Exception when an embedded resource specified in a WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemCouldNotLoadTemplateFile Raises an Exception if a template file for a WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemNameNotOptional Raises an Exception if the Name value for a WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemNoTemplateSpecified Raises an Exception if the Template value for a WebItem is missing.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemTooManyNestedTags Raises an Exception if the template for a WebItem contains too many nested tags.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.WebItemUnexpectedErrorReadingTemplateFile Raises an Exception if the template for a WebItem cannot be opened or read.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.IncompleteInitialization The Visual Basic compiler uses this class during static local initialization; it is not meant to be called directly from your code. An exception of this type is thrown if a static local variable fails to initialize.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.InternalErrorException The exception thrown for internal Visual Basic compiler errors.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException The exception that is thrown when the ReadFields method cannot parse a row using the specified format.
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX.DirectXException The exception that is thrown by Windows Mobile DirectX for Managed Code applications.
System.ApplicationException The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal application error occurs.
System.ComponentModel.Design.ExceptionCollection Represents the collection of exceptions.
System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException The exception that is thrown when a configuration provider error has occurred. This exception class is also used by providers to throw exceptions when internal errors occur within the provider that do not map to other pre-existing exception classes.
System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyIsReadOnlyException Provides an exception for read-only SettingsProperty objects.
System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException Provides an exception for SettingsProperty objects that are not found.
System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyWrongTypeException Provides an exception that is thrown when an invalid type is used with a SettingsProperty object.
System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryObjectExistsException The ActiveDirectoryObjectExistsException class exception is thrown when an Active Directory Domain Services object is created and that object already exists in the underlying directory store.
System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryObjectNotFoundException The ActiveDirectoryObjectNotFoundException class exception is thrown when a requested object is not found in the underlying directory store.
System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryOperationException The ActiveDirectoryOperationException class exception is thrown when an underlying directory operation fails.
System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryServerDownException The ActiveDirectoryServerDownException class exception is thrown when a server is unavailable to respond to a service request.
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryException The DirectoryException class is an abstract class used as the base class for all System.DirectoryServices.Protocols exceptions.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.CardSpaceException The exception that is thrown when one or more exceptions have occurred at the "InfoCard" service level. The cause of the error will be logged in the event log.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.IdentityValidationException Exception class to indicate that the recipient certificate was not valid.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.PolicyValidationException Exception class to indicate that the policy supplied by the recipient could not be validated.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.ServiceBusyException Exception class to indicate that the "InfoCard" service is busy processing other requests.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.UnsupportedPolicyOptionsException Indicates that a policy was provided to the system that included options that were unsupported.
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.UserCancellationException The exception that is thrown when the user cancels an operation during the GetToken call.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException The exception that is thrown when an operation in isolated storage fails.
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException Represents the exception that is thrown when the SmtpClient is not able to complete a Send or SendAsync operation.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException Wraps an exception that does not derive from the Exception class. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Runtime.Remoting.MetadataServices.SUDSGeneratorException The exception that is thrown if an error occurs during the generation of Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
System.Runtime.Remoting.MetadataServices.SUDSParserException The exception that is thrown if an error occurs during parsing of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException The exception that is thrown when the DataContractSerializer or NetDataContractSerializer encounters an invalid data contract during serialization and deserialization.
System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementException Represents an error condition when a rights management operation cannot complete successfully.
System.SystemException Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the System namespace.
System.Web.Security.MembershipCreateUserException The exception that is thrown when a user is not successfully created by a membership provider.
System.Web.Security.MembershipPasswordException The exception that is thrown when a password cannot be retrieved from the password store.
System.Windows.Automation.NoClickablePointException Contains information about the exception that is raised when GetClickablePoint is called on a UI Automation element that has no clickable point.
System.Windows.Automation.ProxyAssemblyNotLoadedException Contains information about an exception that is raised when there is a problem loading an assembly that contains client-side providers
System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialogException The exception that is thrown when an error condition occurs during the opening, accessing, or using of a PrintDialog Control.
System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException The exception that is thrown when the ActiveX control is referenced while in an invalid state.
System.Windows.Xps.XpsException Serves as the base class for exceptions that are thrown by the XML Paper Specification (XPS) packaging and serialization APIs.
System.Windows.Xps.XpsWriterException The exception that is thrown when a method of either an XpsDocumentWriter or a VisualsToXpsDocument object is called that is incompatible with the current state of the object.
System.Workflow.Activities.Rules.RuleException Represents the base class for all exceptions caused by evaluation or validation of rules.
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization.WorkflowMarkupSerializationException The exception that is thrown by methods that perform serialization and de-serialization.
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowTerminatedException Represents the Exception that is raised when a workflow is terminated. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Workflow.Runtime.WorkflowOwnershipException The exception that is thrown when the workflow runtime engine attempts to load a workflow instance that is currently loaded by another workflow runtime engine instance. Additionally, this exception is thrown when the workflow runtime engine attempts to save a workflow after the ownership timeout that was specified while loading the workflow has expired.

See Also


Exception Class
Exception Members
System Namespace

Other Resources
