Remoting Settings Schema
This topic is specific to a legacy technology that is retained for backward compatibility with existing applications and is not recommended for new development. Distributed applications should now be developed using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
Contains tags used to put custom settings in remoting application configuration files.
<wellknown> (Service Instance)
<activated> (Service Instance)
Element | Description |
Contains information about remote objects and channels. |
Contains information about remote objects the application consumes and exposes. |
Contains information about the lifetime of all client-activated objects serviced by this application. |
Contains channels that the application uses to communicate with remote objects. |
Configures the channel that the application uses to communicate with remote objects. |
Contains providers for channel sinks that are to become part of the default server-side channel sink call chain for this channel template when the template is referenced elsewhere in the configuration file. |
Contains the channel sink provider for a channel sink that is to be inserted into the channel sink chain. |
Contains the channel sink provider for a formatter sink that is to be inserted into the channel sink chain. |
Contains providers for channel sinks that are to become part of the default client-side channel sink call chain for this channel template when the template is referenced elsewhere in the configuration file. |
Contains objects the application consumes. |
Contains information about server-activated (well-known) objects the application wants to consume. |
Contains information about client-activated objects the application wants to consume. |
Contains objects the application exposes to other application domains or contexts. |
Contains information about server-activated (well-known) objects the application wants to publish. |
Contains information about client-activated objects the application wants to publish. |
Contains type mappings used with SOAP. |
Creates a bidirectional map between a common language runtime type and an XML type and XML namespace. |
Creates a bidirectional map between a common language runtime type and an XML element and XML namespace. |
Specifies the type to load the mappings from classes that extend SoapAttribute. |
Contains channel templates that the application uses to communicate with remote objects. |
Contains the channel template that the application can specify and configure to communicate with or listen to requests for remote objects. |
Contains templates for client and server channel sink providers. Any channel sink providers specified underneath this element can be referenced anywhere a channel sink provider might be registered. |
Contains channel sink templates that can be inserted into a server channel call chain. |
Contains the channel sink provider template for a channel sink that is to be inserted into the server or client channel sink chain. |
Contains the channel sink provider for a formatter sink that is to be inserted into the client or server channel sink chain. |
Contains channel sink templates that can be inserted into a client channel call chain. |
Specifies whether to load types in the configuration file when the application starts. |
Indicates whether the server channels in this application domain return filtered or complete exception information to local or remote callers. |
.NET Framework Configuration File Schema
.NET Framework Remoting Overview