New Additions to Existing Features in Windows Forms
Together with some completely new features, this release of Visual Studio contains some additions to several classes that already existed. To aid you in finding these additions, the following tables link directly to the new members of these classes.
For a list of new Windows Forms features and controls in this version of Visual Studio, see Additions to Windows Forms for the .NET Framework 2.0.
The following members have been added to Windows Forms classes within the .NET Framework.
Member |
Description |
EnterThreadModal event |
Occurs when the application is about to enter a modal state. |
LeaveThreadModal event |
Occurs when the application is about to leave a modal state. |
FilterMessage method |
Runs any filters against a window message, and returns a copy of the modified message. |
OpenForms property |
Gets a collection of open forms owned by the application. |
Restart method |
Shuts down the application and starts a new instance immediately. |
SetUnhandledExceptionMode method |
Instructs the application how to respond to unhandled exceptions. |
UseWaitCursor property |
Gets or sets whether the wait cursor is used for all open forms of the application. |
Beyond the members listed here, Clipboard now also supports a number of individual members for getting and setting specific data types, such as GetImage and GetAudioStream, among others. Refer to the class documentation for a full list.
Member |
Description |
Clear method |
Removes all data from the Clipboard. |
GetData method |
Retrieves data from the Clipboard in the specified format. |
SetData method |
Adds data to the Clipboard in the specified format. |
ContainsData method |
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format or can be converted to that format. |
Member |
Description |
AutoCompleteCustomSource property |
Gets or sets a custom StringCollection to use when the AutoCompleteSource property is set to CustomSource. |
AutoCompleteMode property |
Gets or sets an option that controls how automatic completion works for the ComboBox. |
AutoCompleteSource property |
Gets or sets a value specifying the source of complete strings used for automatic completion. |
BackgroundImageLayout property |
Gets or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration. |
BeginUpdate method |
Maintains performance when items are added to the ComboBox one at a time. |
DropDown event |
Occurs when the drop-down portion of a ComboBox is shown. |
DropDownClosed event |
Occurs when the drop-down portion of the ComboBox is no longer visible. |
EndUpdate method |
Resumes painting the ComboBox control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method. |
FlatStyle property |
Gets or sets the flat style appearance of the button control. |
OnDropDownClosed method |
Raises the DropDownClosed event. |
OnMouseEnter method |
Raises the MouseEnter event. |
OnMouseLeave method |
Raises the MouseLeave event. |
OnTextUpdate method |
Raises the TextUpdate event. |
TextUpdate event |
Occurs when the control has formatted the text, but before the text is displayed. |
Member |
Description |
CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to catch calls on the wrong thread that access a control's Handle property. |
DefaultCursor property |
Gets or sets the default cursor for the control. |
GetPreferredSize method |
Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted. |
IsKeyLocked property |
Use this property to determine whether the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys are on. |
LayoutEngine property |
Gets a cached instance of the control's layout engine. |
Margin property |
Gets or sets the space between controls. |
MinimumSize property |
Gets the size that is the lower limit that GetPreferredSize can specify. |
MouseCaptureChanged event |
Occurs when the control loses mouse capture. |
MouseClick event |
Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. |
MouseDoubleClick event |
Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. |
OnMouseClick method |
Raises the MouseClick event. |
OnMouseDoubleClick method |
Raises the MouseDoubleClick event. |
Padding property |
Gets or sets padding within the control. |
Beyond the members listed here, DataObject now also supports a number of individual members for getting and setting specific data types, such as GetImage and GetAudioStream, among others. Refer to the class documentation for a full list.
Member |
Description |
GetData method |
Retrieves data from the Clipboard in the specified format. |
SetData method |
Adds data to the Clipboard in the specified format. |
Member |
Description |
FormClosed event |
Occurs after the form is closed. |
FormClosing event |
Occurs before the form is closed. |
MainMenuStrip property |
Gets or sets the primary menu container for the form. |
RightToLeftLayout property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether right-to-left mirror placement is turned on. |
RightToLeftLayoutChanged event |
Raises the RightToLeftLayoutChanged event. |
ShowWithoutActivation property |
Gets a value indicating whether the window will be activated when it is shown. |
Member |
Description |
ExtractAssociatedIcon method |
This method is used to display the icon associated with a file. |
Member |
Description |
AutoEllipsis property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ellipsis character (...) appears at the right edge of the Label, denoting that the Label text extends beyond the specified length of the Label. |
UseCompatibleTextRendering property |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether text rendering should be compatible with previous releases of Windows Forms. |
Member |
Description |
BeginUpdate method |
Maintains performance when items are added to the ListBox one at a time. |
EndUpdate method |
Resumes painting the ListBox control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method. |
UseCustomTabOffsets property |
Enables a ListBox to recognize and expand tab characters when drawing its strings using the CustomTabOffsets integer array. |
Member |
Description |
FindItemWithText method |
Finds the first ListViewItem that begins with the specified text value. |
FindNearestItem method |
Finds the next item, searching in the specified direction. |
OwnerDraw property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ListView control is drawn by the operating system or by code that you provide. |
VirtualMode property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you have provided your own data-management operations for the ListView control. |
Member |
Description |
Show method |
This method now has overloads to specify Help pages and other Help-related functionality. |
Member |
Description |
BalloonTipClicked event |
Occurs when the balloon tip is clicked. |
BalloonTipClosed event |
Occurs when the balloon tip is closed by the user. |
BalloonTipIcon property |
Gets or sets the icon to display on the balloon tip associated with the NotifyIcon. |
BalloonTipShown event |
Occurs when the balloon tip is displayed on the screen. |
BalloonTipText property |
Gets or sets the text to display on the balloon tip associated with the NotifyIcon. |
BalloonTipTitle property |
Gets or sets the title of the balloon tip displayed on the NotifyIcon. |
ShowBalloonTip method |
Displays a balloon tip in the taskbar for the specified time period. |
ShowBalloonTip method |
Displays a balloon tip with the specified title, text, and icon in the taskbar for the specified time period. |
Member |
Description |
LoadAsync method |
Loads the image asynchronously. |
LoadCompleted event |
Occurs when the asynchronous image-load operation is completed, been cancelled or raised an exception. |
LoadProgressChanged event |
Occurs when the progress of an asynchronous image-loading operation has changed. |
Member |
Description |
GetCharIndexFromPosition method |
Retrieves the index of the character nearest to the specified location. |
GetLineFromCharIndex method |
Retrieves the line number from the specified character position within the text of the control. |
GetPositionFromCharIndex method |
Retrieves the location within the control at the specified character index. |
Rtf property |
Gets or sets the text of the RichTextBox control, including all Rich Text Format (RTF) codes. |
SelectionBackColor property |
Gets or sets the color of text when the text is selected in a RichTextBox control. |
Member |
Description |
BitsPerPixel property |
Gets the number of bits of memory, associated with one pixel of data. |
Member |
Description |
Scroll event |
This event is raised when the area of a form (or other class that inherits from ScrollableControl) is scrolled. |
Member |
Description |
ActiveWindowTrackingDelay property |
Gets the active window tracking delay. |
BorderMultiplierFactor property |
Gets the border multiplier factor that is used when determining the thickness of a window's sizing border. |
CaptionButtonSize property |
Gets the standard size, in pixels, of a button in a window's title bar. |
CaretWidth property |
Gets the width, in pixels, of the caret in edit controls. |
FontSmoothingContrast property |
Gets the font smoothing contrast value used in ClearType smoothing. |
FontSmoothingType property |
Gets the current type of font smoothing. |
HorizontalFocusThickness property |
Gets the thickness of the left and right edges of the system focus rectangle, in pixels. |
HorizontalResizeBorderThickness property |
Gets the thickness of the left and right edges of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window being resized, in pixels. |
IconHorizontalSpacing property |
Gets the width, in pixels, of an icon arrangement cell in large icon view. |
IconVerticalSpacing property |
Gets the height, in pixels, of an icon arrangement cell in large icon view. |
IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether active window tracking is enabled. |
IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the slide-open effect for combo boxes is enabled. |
IsDropShadowEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the system's drop shadow effect is enabled. |
IsFlatMenuEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether native User menus have a flat menu appearance. |
IsFontSmoothingEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the font smoothing feature is enabled. |
IsHotTrackingEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether hot tracking of user-interface elements, such as menu names on menu bars, is enabled. |
IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether icon title wrapping is enabled. |
IsKeyboardPreferred property |
Gets a value indicating whether the user relies on the keyboard instead of the mouse, and prefers applications to display keyboard interfaces that would otherwise be hidden. |
IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the smooth-scrolling effect for list boxes is enabled. |
IsMenuAnimationEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether menu fade or slide animation features are enabled. |
IsMenuFadeEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether menu fade animation is enabled. |
IsMinimizeRestoreAnimationEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether window minimize and restore animation is enabled. |
IsSelectionFadeEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the selection fade effect is enabled. |
IsSnapToDefaultEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the snap-to-default-button feature is enabled. |
IsTitleBarGradientEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether the gradient effect for window title bars is enabled. |
IsToolTipAnimationEnabled property |
Gets a value indicating whether ToolTip animation is enabled. |
KeyboardDelay property |
Gets the keyboard repeat-delay setting. |
KeyboardSpeed property |
Gets the keyboard repeat-speed setting. |
MenuBarButtonSize property |
Gets the default width, in pixels, for menu-bar buttons and the height, in pixels, of a menu bar. |
MenuShowDelay property |
Gets the time, in milliseconds, that the system waits before displaying a cascaded shortcut menu when the mouse cursor is over a submenu item. |
MouseHoverTime property |
Gets the time, in milliseconds, that the mouse pointer has to stay in the hover rectangle before a mouse hover message is generated. |
MouseSpeed property |
Gets the current mouse speed. |
MouseWheelScrollDelta property |
Gets the amount of the delta value of a single mouse wheel rotation increment. |
PopupMenuAlignment property |
Gets the side of pop-up menus that are aligned to the corresponding menu-bar item. |
SizingBorderWidth property |
Gets the width, in pixels, of the sizing border drawn around the perimeter of a window being resized. |
SmallCaptionButtonSize property |
Gets the width, in pixels, of small caption buttons, and the height, in pixels, of small captions. |
VerticalFocusThickness property |
Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the system focus rectangle. |
VerticalResizeBorderThickness property |
Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window being resized. |
Member |
Description |
Asterisk property |
Gets the sound associated with the Asterisk program event in the current Windows sound scheme. |
Beep property |
Gets the sound associated with the Beep program event in the current Windows sound scheme. |
Exclamation property |
Gets the sound associated with the Exclamation program event in the current Windows sound scheme. |
Hand property |
Gets the sound associated with the Hand program event in the current Windows sound scheme. |
Question property |
Gets the sound associated with the Question program event in the current Windows sound scheme. |
Member |
Description |
Deselected event |
Occurs when a tab is deselected. |
Deselecting event |
Occurs before a tab is deselected, enabling a handler to cancel the tab change. |
DeselectTab method |
Makes the tab following the specified tab the current tab. |
Selected event |
Occurs when a tab is selected. |
Selecting event |
Occurs before a tab is selected, enabling a handler to cancel the tab change. |
SelectTab method |
Makes the specified tab the current tab. |
Member |
Description |
AutoCompleteCustomSource property |
Gets or sets a custom StringCollection to use when the AutoCompleteSource property is set to CustomSource. |
AutoCompleteMode property |
Gets or sets an option that controls how automatic completion works for the TextBox. |
AutoCompleteSource property |
Gets or sets a value specifying the source of complete strings used for automatic completion. |
UseSystemPasswordChar property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text in the TextBox control should appear as the default password character. |
Member |
Description |
GetCharFromPosition method |
Retrieves the character that is closest to the specified location within the control. |
GetCharIndexFromPosition method |
Retrieves the index of the character nearest to the specified location. |
Retrieves the index of the first character of the current line. |
GetFirstCharIndexFromLine method |
Retrieves the index of the first character of a given line. |
GetLineFromCharIndex method |
Retrieves the line number from the specified character position within the text of the control. |
GetPositionFromCharIndex method |
Retrieves the location within the control at the specified character index. |
ScrollToCaret method |
Scrolls the contents of the control to the current caret position. |
ShortcutsEnabled property |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the defined shortcuts are enabled. |
Member |
Description |
DrawMode property |
Gets or sets the mode in which the control is drawn. |
DrawNode event |
Occurs when a TreeView is drawn and the DrawMode property is set to a TreeViewDrawMode value other than Normal. |
HitTest method |
Provides node information, given a point. |
ShowNodeToolTips property |
Gets or sets a value indicating ToolTips are shown when the mouse pointer hovers over a TreeNode. |
TreeViewNodeSorter property |
Gets or sets the implementation of IComparer to perform a custom sort of the TreeView nodes. |