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Configuration Data

Configuration Data

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The global Microsoft® Active Directory® object "CN=UCE Content Filter" holds content filter configuration information used by the spam filter. The ms-Exch-Uce-Store-Action-Threshold Attribute on this object applies across all servers in the system.

Although gateway filters will not use this value directly, it is recommended that this value be set such that the Store Action Threshold is weighed against the gateway filter behavior. For example, the ms-Exch-Uce-Block-Threshold Attribute may be set to a high value to block messages at the gateway that have a high spam probability, with a low risk of being a false positive. The ms-Exch-Uce-Store-Action-Threshold Attribute can then be set to a lower value for more aggressive filtering, given that the potential damage of identifying a false positive is lower, because spam messages are still delivered, albeit to a user's Junk E-mail folder. All other configuration data on this global Active Directory object is reserved for use by the spam filter.

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This topic last updated: September 2003

Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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