ScriptUrl Field

ScriptUrl Field

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When using the script host, this property specifies the URL to the file containing the script code to execute.

Full Name

Variant Subtype

[Visual Basic] String





The URL can be to a script file located in the Exchange store or on a file system. Both the OLE DB HTTP: and File: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) schemes are supported. However, the local Exchange storeOLE DB provider is always used if the URL is expressed using The File: URL Scheme or The HTTP: URL Scheme. You cannot store the script file on a remote machine, and the script must be accessible by the process under which the Exchange store process is executing.



"file://./backofficestorage/ folders/common/scripts/myonsavescript1.vbs"

See Also

The Script Host Sink

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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