Register Method

Register Method

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This method allows you to deny event registration requests or respond to event registration items when they are modified, moved, copied, or replicated.

Applies To

ICreateRegistration Interface

Type Library

EXOLEDB Type Library

DLL Implemented In



[Visual Basic]Sub Register
    pEventInfo As IExStoreEventInfo,     bstrURLItem As String,     lFlags As LONG

[C++]HRESULT Register (     IExStoreEventInfopEventInfo,     BSTR bstrURLItem,     LONG lFlags,     LONGphr );


  • pEventInfo
    A pointer to an IExStoreEventInfo interface that can be used to obtain further event information, such as the registration item.

  • bstrURLItem
    A string containing the URL to the registration item seeking to be registered.

  • lFlags
    Flags to indicate what is occurring to the registration item.

    Decimal Value C++ Enum Equivalent Description
    1 EVT_NEW_ITEM The registration item is newly created (a new request).
    4 EVT_REPLICATED_ITEM The registration item is being replicated from another location.
    256 EVT_MOVE The registration item is being moved.
    512 EVT_COPY The item registration item is being copied.

    If no flag is set then the item is being resaved to the same location.

  • phr
    Return value: S_OK if registration is allowed, S_FALSE if registration is denied.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


When an event registration item is saved, copied, moved, or replicated, Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 automatically queries your event sink for the ICreateRegistration Interface and, if available, calls this method.

This method provides a programmatic means to evaluate a new event registration request, as well as, when an event registration item is modified, moved, copied, or replicated. In this method you can access the registration item where the user, and the store item resides.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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