CDO for Exchange 2000 Server Error Codes

CDO for Exchange 2000 Server Error Codes

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

This section contains the custom error codes used by Collaboration Data Objects (CDO). All of these values are available as constants in the type library CdoErrorCodes module.

Error codes are 32-bit values whose structure is as follows:

   3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
   1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
  |Sev|C|R|     Facility          |               Code            |

Each error code consists of the following elements, as illustrated in the structure:

  • Sev–The severity code, which is one of the following values:
    • 00 – Success
    • 01 – Informational
    • 10 – Warning
    • 11 – Error
  • C — The customer code flag.
  • R — A reserved bit.
  • Facility — The facility code.
  • Code — The facility's status code.

The following table presents the custom error codes used by CDO.

Error Name Value Remarks
CDO_E_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION 0x80040201L Exception %1 was generated at address %2.
CDO_E_NOT_OPENED 0x80040202L No data source has been opened for the object.
CDO_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE 0x80040203L The object does not support this type of data source.
CDO_E_INVALID_PROPERTYNAME 0x80040204L The object does not support the requested property name or namespace.
CDO_E_PROP_UNSUPPORTED 0x80040205L The object does not support the requested property.
CDO_E_INACTIVE 0x80040206L The object is not active. It may have been deleted or it may not have been opened.
CDO_E_NO_SUPPORT_FOR_OBJECTS 0x80040207L The object does not support storing persistent state information for objects.
CDO_E_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x80040208L The requested property or feature, while supported, is not available at this time or in this context.
CDO_E_NO_DEFAULT_DROP_DIR 0x80040209L No default drop directory has been configured for this server.
CDO_E_SMTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020AL The SMTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source.
CDO_E_NNTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020BL The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source.
CDO_E_RECIPIENT_MISSING 0x8004020CL At least one recipient is required, but none were found.
CDO_E_FROM_MISSING 0x8004020DL At least one of the From or Sender fields is required, and neither was found.
CDO_E_SENDER_REJECTED 0x8004020EL The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_RECIPIENTS_REJECTED 0x8004020FL The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_NNTP_POST_FAILED 0x80040210L The message could not be posted to the NNTP server. The transport error code was %2. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_SMTP_SEND_FAILED 0x80040211L The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was %2. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED 0x80040212L The transport lost its connection to the server.
CDO_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT 0x80040213L The transport failed to connect to the server.
CDO_E_INVALID_POST 0x80040214L The Subject, From, and Newsgroup fields are all required, and one or more was not found.
CDO_E_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 0x80040215L The server rejected the logon attempt due to authentication failure. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE 0x80040216L The content type was not valid in this context. For example, the root of a MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML) message must be an HTML document.
CDO_E_LOGON_FAILURE 0x80040217L The transport was unable to log on to the server.
CDO_E_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 0x80040218L The requested resource could not be found. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_HTTP_FORBIDDEN 0x80040219L Access to the requested resource is denied. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_HTTP_FAILED 0x8004021AL The HTTP request failed. The server response was: %1.
CDO_E_MULTIPART_NO_DATA 0x8004021BL This is a multipart body part. It has no content other than the body parts contained within it.
CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_FOR_MULTIPART 0x8004021CL Multipart body parts must be encoded as 7-bit, 8-bit, or binary.
CDO_E_PROP_NOT_FOUND 0x8004021EL The requested property was not found.
CDO_E_INVALID_SEND_OPTION 0x80040220L The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.
CDO_E_INVALID_POST_OPTION 0x80040221L The "PostUsing" configuration value is invalid.
CDO_E_NO_PICKUP_DIR 0x80040222L The pickup directory path is required and was not specified.
CDO_E_NOT_ALL_DELETED 0x80040223L One or more messages could not be deleted.
CDO_E_NO_METHOD 0x80040224L The requested operation is not available on the underlying object.
CDO_E_PROP_READONLY 0x80040227L The property is read-only.
CDO_E_PROP_CANNOT_DELETE 0x80040228L The property cannot be deleted.
CDO_E_BAD_DATA 0x80040229L Data written to the object is inconsistent or invalid.
CDO_E_PROP_NONHEADER 0x8004022AL The requested property is not in the mail header namespace.
CDO_E_INVALID_CHARSET 0x8004022BL The requested character set is not installed on the computer.
CDO_E_ADOSTREAM_NOT_BOUND 0x8004022CL The Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) stream has not been opened.
CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_NOT_FOUND 0x8004022DL The content properties are missing.
CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_WRONG_CHARSET 0x8004022EL Content properties XML must be encoded using UTF-8.
CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_PARSE_FAILED 0x8004022FL Failed to parse content properties XML.
CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_CONVERT_FAILED 0x80040230L Failed to convert a property from XML to a requested type.
CDO_E_NO_DIRECTORIES_SPECIFIED 0x80040231L No directories were specified for resolution.
CDO_E_DIRECTORIES_UNREACHABLE 0x80040232L Failed to resolve against one or more of the specified directories.
CDO_E_BAD_SENDER 0x80040233L Could not find the Sender's mailbox.
CDO_E_SELF_BINDING 0x80040234L Binding to self is not allowed.
CDO_E_BAD_ATTENDEE_DATA 0x80040235L Data of the Attendees in the object is inconsistent or invalid.

This error occurs when more than one attendee has the IsOrganizer Property set to TRUE.

CDO_E_ARGUMENT1 0x80044000L The first argument is invalid.
CDO_E_ARGUMENT2 0x80044001L The second argument is invalid.
CDO_E_ARGUMENT3 0x80044002L The third argument is invalid.
CDO_E_ARGUMENT4 0x80044003L The fourth argument is invalid.
CDO_E_ARGUMENT5 0x80044004L The fifth argument is invalid.
CDO_E_NOT_FOUND 0x800CCE05L The requested body part was not found in this message.
CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_TYPE 0x800CCE1DL The content encoding type is invalid.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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