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This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. The HrCnvQueryCapability function returns an HResult that indicates whether the HrCnvConvert function of the conversion dynamic-link library (DLL) can handle a particular message. The function receives a pointer to the message to be translated, a pointer to the message class of the message, and a pointer to the environment of the translation. The function returns a BOOL indicating whether it can or cannot translate the message.

For outgoing messages, the important factor is usually the message class of the outgoing message. For incoming messages, this function may need to analyze some or all of the header of the input message, or other delivery information, to determine whether the message can be translated by the HrCnvConvert function of the DLL.

The environment of the translation is a string in the form GatewayName.PhaseName, such as fax.phase2. This allows for gateways whose requirements demand that translation take place in more than one phase. Most gateways will only need one phase and will therefore have a constant string for their environment. If your gateway requires multiple phases to translate some particular message class, you must provide separate conversion DLLs for each combination of message class and translation phase. HrCnvQueryCapability should return FALSE if the environment of the DLL or the message class does not match the input message or environment.

The IPM_IN and IPM_OUT sample conversion DLLs contain examples of HrCnvQueryCapability functions, both for incoming RFC-822 messages and for outgoing MAPI messages. These sample DLLs are located in the SAMPLES\DbMsg\EXCHANGE directory.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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