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MTE Per-Message Properties

MTE Per-Message Properties

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The following table shows the per-message properties of the message transfer envelope (MTE) of a message. Many of these properties are native MAPI properties, but some are properties defined by Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server.

Property name Type Description
PR_ARRIVAL_TIME Date/Time The date and time that the message arrived at the gateway.
PR_CONTENT_SEARCH_KEY Binary The entry identifier (ID) of the message.
PR_FOREIGN_ID Binary The ID of the message within the foreign system. This property does not initially exist for outgoing messages from the Exchange server. It is added by the gateway.
PR_FOREIGN_REPORT_ID Binary The ID assigned to the reports generated by the gateway in response to reports received from the foreign system.
PR_FOREIGN_SUBJECT_ID Binary The subject ID assigned to reports generated by the gateway in response to reports received from the foreign system.
PR_MTS_ID Binary The MTE ID of the Exchange server. If this property is not supplied by the gateway on incoming messages, it will be supplied by the server.
PR_MTS_FOREIGN_ID Binary The message transfer system (MTS) ID for reports.
PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID Binary The MTS ID of the message for which a report was generated.
PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDR String The e-mail address of the message originator.
PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDRTYPE String The address type of the message originator.
PR_ORIGINATOR_ENTRYID Binary The entry ID of the message originator.
PR_ORIGINATOR_NAME String The display name of the message originator.
PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_ENTRYID Binary The entry ID of the immediate destination of the report.
PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_NAME String The display name of the immediate destination of the report.
PR_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO Binary Trace information on the message report.
PR_TRACE_INFO Binary Trace information that indicates how each messaging domain handled the message. For more information, see Gateway Trace Information.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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