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Mapping Outbound Addresses

Mapping Outbound Addresses

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. When a gateway receives a message from Microsoft® Exchange Server, addresses for each recipient have the PR_ENTRYID, PR_ADDRTYPE, and PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS properties. The originator address has the PR_ORIGINATOR_ENTRYID, PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDRTYPE, and PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDRESS properties. These addresses are in the Exchange format and the gateway must translate them to the format of the foreign system.

Beginning with the PR_ENTRYID and PR_ADDRTYPE properties, the gateway can use the address lookup function HrGWResolveProxy to look up an existing proxy address for the foreign system. When it finds the proxy address corresponding to the foreign system, the gateway uses that address to deliver the message.

If the gateway cannot map an address from Exchange to the foreign system, it must perform the following tasks for the originator and recipients:

  • For the originator: Generate a nondelivery report for each Responsibility-TRUE recipient, and send the nondelivery report to the originator. This is because the gateway cannot generate a return address for replies to the message. For information about gateway reports, see Reports.
  • For a responsibility-TRUE recipient: Generate a nondelivery report for the recipient.
  • For a responsibility-FALSE recipient: Do not generate a nondelivery report, but preserve as much address information as possible by using encapsulation or a comment field.

An example of this process is when a message is sent from an originator on Exchange 2000 Server to an MS Mail recipient. In this case, the address of the originator is in the Exchange 2000 Server format, which is SMTP. The address of the recipient is in MS Mail format. This tells Exchange that the message must be sent through the MS Mail gateway. Therefore, the gateway looks up the MS Mail proxy address of the originator and maps the SMTP address of the originator to MS Mail format. Then the gateway delivers the message to the MS Mail system.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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