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Mapping Inbound Addresses

Mapping Inbound Addresses

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Mapping addresses on inbound messages is similar to mapping addresses on outbound messages. The gateway must convert every address in the message into a form that Microsoft® Exchange Server understands. Ideally, this form is the native Exchange 2000 Server address format, SMTP. At least one recipient on an inbound message must have a native address that corresponds to Exchange. If that is not the case, there are no recipients to whom the gateway can deliver the message.

The gateway must handle the following three classes of addresses in an inbound message:

  • Local recipients: Local recipients have addresses on the inbound message that correspond to native Exchange addresses. The gateway must convert the addresses on the message to the native SMTP addresses before delivering the message to the server.
  • Foreign recipients: Foreign recipients are those whose addresses on the inbound message do not correspond to any native Exchange addresses. The gateway must create one-off addresses to represent these recipients before delivering the message to the server.
  • Originator: The gateway must create a one-off address for the originator of the message before delivering the message to the server.

All messaging systems that make use of MAPI, including Exchange Server, require that the originator and each recipient of a message have a PR_ENTRYID property. However, the originator of a message from a foreign messaging system cannot have an entry identifier (ID) in the global address list (GAL) of the server. For a message coming from a foreign system to Exchange, the gateway can:

  • Use the address lookup function HrGWResolveAddress with the proxy address and the foreign system address type to look up the PR_ENTRYID property for the originator and each recipient.
  • Attempt to generate a PR_ENTRYID property using the MAPI IAddrBook::CreateOneOff method (if the previous action fails).

If the gateway cannot find or create the PR_ENTRYID property, it must perform the following tasks for the originator and recipients:

  • For the originator: Generate a nondelivery report for each Responsibility-TRUE recipient, and send the nondelivery reports to the originator. This is because the gateway cannot generate a return address for replies to the message. For information about gateway reports, see Reports.
  • For a Responsibility-TRUE recipient: Generate a nondelivery report for the recipient.
  • For a Responsibility-FALSE recipient: Drop the recipient from the message, or place it in a purely textual field.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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